Synonyms and related words :
absolute interest, acquire, adduce, advance, adverse possession, affidavit, affirm, affirmation, allegation, allege, alodium, application, appurtenance, argue, ask, ask for, assert, assertion, authority, avow, be enfeoffed of, be entitled to, be hurting for, be indicated, be possessed of, be seized of, benefit, bill, bill of complaint, birthright, blackmail, boast, burgage, call, call for, catch up, challenge, claim, clamor for, clap hands on, clasp, claw, clench, clinch, clutch, colony, command, common, complaint, conjugal right, contend, contingent interest, contribution, cry for, cry out for, de facto, de jure, declaration, declare, defend, demand, demand for, dependency, deposition, derivative title, divine right, draft, drain, drain off, draw off, droit, due, duty, easement, embrace, enjoy, equitable interest, equity, estate, exact, exaction, extort, extortion, extortionate demand, faculty, fee fief, fee position, fee simple, fee simple absolute, fee simple conditional, fee simple defeasible, fee simple determinable, fee tail, feodum, feud, fiefdom, fill, frankalmoign, free socage, freehold, gavelkind, get, get hold of, glom on to, grab, grab hold of, grapple, grasp, grip, gripe, have, have and hold, have in hand, have occasion for, have tenure of, having title to, heavy demand, hold, holding, hug, impose, imposition, impost, inalienable right, indent, insist on, insist upon, insistent demand, interest, issue an ultimatum, justify, knight service, lay claim to, lay fee, lay hands on, lay hold of, lease, leasehold, legal claim, legal possession, levy, libel, limitation, loot, maintain, make a demand, mandate, nail, narratio, natural right, need, nip, nip up, nolle prosequi, nonnegotiable demand, nonsuit, notice, occupancy, occupation, occupy, order, order up, original title, owning, palm, part, partake, percentage, petition, pillage, place an order, pocket, possess, possessing, possession, postulate, power, preoccupancy, preoccupation, prepossession, prerequire, prerogative, prescription, presumptive right, pretend, pretend to, pretense, pretension, pretext, privilege, profess, profession, proper claim, property, property right, property rights, proprietary rights, protest too much, protestation, purport, put forth, put in requisition, receive, rend from, rending, request, require, requirement, requisition, right, right of entry, rights, ripping, rush, rush order, screw, seek, seisin, seize, set forth, settlement, share, snap up, snatch, socage, solicit, squat, squat on, squatting, stake, state, statement, statement of facts, steal, strict settlement, sublease, take, take by assault, take by storm, take doing, take hold of, take possession, tax, taxing, tear from, tearing, tenancy, tenantry, tenure, tenure in chivalry, title, tribute, trust, ultimatum, underlease, undertenancy, use, usucapion, usucapt, vested interest, vested right, villein socage, villeinhold, villenage, vindicate, want, want doing, warn, warning, warrant, whip up, wrench, wrench from, wrenching, wrest, wresting, wring, wring from, wringing