transcription, транскрипция: [ ɪkˈses ]
n. & adj. --n. 1 the state or an instance of exceeding. 2 the amount by which one quantity or number exceeds another. 3 exceeding of a proper or permitted limit. 4 a the overstepping of the accepted limits of moderation, esp. intemperance in eating or drinking. b (in pl.) outrageous or immoderate behaviour. 5 an extreme or improper degree or extent (an excess of cruelty). 6 part of an insurance claim to be paid by the insured, esp. by prior agreement. --attrib.adj. usu. 1 that exceeds a limited or prescribed amount (excess weight). 2 required as extra payment (excess postage). øexcess baggage (or luggage) that exceeding a weight allowance and liable to an extra charge. in (or to) excess exceeding the proper amount or degree. in excess of more than; exceeding. [ME f. OF exces f. L excessus (as EXCEED)]