Meaning of IRREGULAR in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ɪˈreɡjulə ]

adj. & n. --adj. 1 not regular; unsymmetrical, uneven; varying in form. 2 (of a surface) uneven. 3 contrary to a rule, moral principle, or custom; abnormal. 4 uneven in duration, order, etc. 5 (of troops) not belonging to the regular army. 6 Gram. (of a verb, noun, etc.) not inflected according to the usual rules. 7 disorderly. 8 (of a flower) having unequal petals etc. --n. (in pl.) irregular troops. øøirregularity n. (pl. -ies). irregularly adv. [ME f. OF irreguler f. LL irregularis (as IN-(1), REGULAR)]

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