{v.} 1. To speak in favor of or in support of. * /At the meeting John spoke for the change in the rules./ * /The other girls made jokes about Jane, but Mary spoke for her./ 2. To make a request for; to ask for. * /The teacher was giving away some books. Fred and Charlie spoke for the same one./ 3. To give an impression of; be evidence that (something) is or will be said. - Used with the words "well" or "ill". * /It seems that it will rain today. That speaks ill for the picnic this afternoon./ * /Who robbed the cookie jar? The crumbs on your shirt speak ill for you, Billy./ * /John wore a clean shirt and a tie when he went to ask for a job, and that spoke well for him./ * /It speaks well for Mary that she always does her homework./
Meaning of SPEAK FOR in English
Dictionary of English idioms . Словарь английских идиом. 2012