Meaning of AMOUNT in English


1. an amount of something such as money, time, or a substance

2. a number of people or things

3. an amount that is compared with another amount

4. a measured amount of goods

5. an amount that is carried in something

6. the amount of something bad such as crime, poverty etc


an amount of food : ↑ FOOD

an amount of a drug or medicine : ↑ DRUG

an amount of something that an organization or country has and is available to be used : ↑ AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE

how often something happens : ↑ OFTEN

when an amount reaches a particular level : ↑ REACH (2)

see also








1. an amount of something such as money, time, or a substance

▷ amount /əˈmaʊnt/ [countable noun]

the amount of something

▪ The amount of tax you pay depends on how much you earn.

▪ Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.

▪ The amount of calories a person needs each day is determined by the type of work they do.

a small/tiny amount

▪ The water here contains small amounts of calcium and other minerals.

a large/enormous/considerable amount

▪ He knows an enormous amount about Italian paintings.

▷ how much /ˌhaʊ ˈmʌtʃ/

use this to ask or talk about the size of an amount of something :

▪ How much did your jeans cost?

▪ I’ll get you some paint if you tell me how much you need.

how much money/time/food etc

▪ How much money do I owe you?

▪ Do you realize how much trouble you caused?

▪ How much nitrogen is there in the air?

how much of

▪ You received $50,000. How much of that money is still in your bank account?

▷ quantity /ˈkwɒntɪti, ˈkwɒntətiǁˈkwɑːn-/ [countable noun]

use this, especially in written descriptions or instructions, to talk about amounts of food, liquid, or other substances that can be measured :

quantity of

▪ Make sure that you add the correct quantity of water.

▪ Use equal quantities of flour and butter.

a large/small/enormous etc quantity

▪ An enormous quantity of chemical waste has been dumped in the river.

in large/small quantities

▪ Expensive spices, like saffron, are only produced in small quantities.

▷ volume /ˈvɒljuːmǁˈvɑːljəm/ [singular noun]

use this to talk about the total amount of something such as business activity or traffic, especially when it is large or increasing :

the volume of trade/sales/traffic/business

▪ The volume of traffic on our roads has risen by 50% in the past three years.

▪ After 1998, there was a rapid fall in the volume of trade.

▷ level /ˈlev ə l/ [countable noun]

use this to talk about the exact amount of something at one time, even though this amount may go up or go down at other times :

the level of something

▪ a device that measures the level of carbon monoxide in the air

a high/low level

▪ The company continues to enjoy a high level of sales.

▪ People who suffer heart attacks tend to have a high level of cholesterol in the blood.

▷ sum /sʌm/ [countable noun]

an amount of money :

a large/enormous sum

▪ The apartment cost over $25,000, which was an enormous sum in those days.

a sum of money

▪ She left a small sum of money to her two granddaughters.

▪ A purse containing a small sum of money was found at Guildhall Square on March 20.

a lump sum

an amount of money given in a single payment

▪ Instead of paying him a regular pension, they gave him a lump sum when he retired.

▷ 100 pounds’ worth/ten dollars’ worth etc /ə ˌhʌndrə̇d ˈpaʊndz wɜːʳθ/

an amount of something that is worth £100, $10 etc :

100 pounds’ worth/ten dollars’ worth etc of

▪ Over £10 million worth of heroin was seized in the raid.

▪ The company owns millions of dollars’ worth of real estate in downtown Tokyo.

2. a number of people or things

▷ number /ˈnʌmbəʳ/ []

the number of

▪ We need to know the number of students in each class.

▪ By next year, the number of homes with either cable or satellite television is expected to be just over 10 million.

▪ The number of working days lost through strikes has continued to rise.

a large/small number

▪ A large number of reporters had gathered outside the house.

▪ Thousands of men apply to join the Marines but only a small number are accepted.

▷ how many /ˌhaʊ ˈmeni/

use this to talk about or ask about the number of people or things that there are :

how many people/things/years etc

▪ How many cars do you have?

▪ He wouldn’t tell us how many girlfriends he’d had.

how many of

▪ How many of you can swim?

▪ It is not known how many of the people arrested in last Saturday’s protests have been freed.

▷ quantity /ˈkwɒntɪti, ˈkwɒntətiǁˈkwɑːn-/ [countable noun]

a number of things - used especially in written reports about stolen or illegal goods :

a quantity of

▪ A quantity of cocaine was found in Larsson’s apartment.

a large/small quantity

▪ Police are investigating a burglary in which a small quantity of jewellery was stolen.

▪ Thieves escaped with a large quantity of cigarettes after breaking into a shop in Cramlington, Northumberland.

3. an amount that is compared with another amount

▷ percentage /pəʳˈsentɪdʒ/ [countable noun usually singular]

a number or amount that is calculated as part of a total of 100, and is shown using a % sign :

percentage of

▪ The percentage of women students at the university has increased steadily.

a high/large percentage

▪ Most of the coffee we produce is for export -- a high percentage goes to the US.

▪ A high percentage of businesses fail because of the collapse of a major customer or supplier.

a low/small percentage

▪ The disease is serious, and in a small percentage of cases it can be fatal.

▪ The writer only receives a small percentage of the profits from each book sold.

▷ proportion /prəˈpɔːʳʃ ə n/ [countable noun usually singular]

the number or amount of something, compared with the whole number or amount that exists :

proportion of

▪ The new law is intended to reduce the proportion of road accidents caused by drunk drivers.

▪ a program to increase the proportion of women and black people in the police service

proportion of something to something

▪ What is the proportion of men to women in your office?

a high/low/large/small proportion

▪ A high proportion of the products tested were found to contain harmful chemicals.

▷ ratio /ˈreɪʃiəʊǁˈreɪʃəʊ/ [countable noun usually singular]

a set of numbers, such as ‘20:1’ or ‘5:1’, that shows how much larger one quantity is than another :

ratio of something to something

▪ a school where the ratio of students to teachers is about 5:1

▷ rate /reɪt/ [countable noun]

a measurement showing the number of times that something happens during a particular period or the number of examples of something within a certain period :

▪ Refugees were crossing the border at the rate of 1000 a day.

success/failure rate

▪ Penicillin has a high success rate in treating bacterial infections.

▷ fraction /ˈfrækʃ ə n/ [singular noun]

a very small part of an amount or number :

a (small, tiny etc) fraction of something

▪ The disease affects only a tiny fraction of the population.

at a fraction of the cost

▪ Computers can now do the same job at a fraction of the cost.

in a fraction of the time

▪ A microwave oven cooks food in a fraction of the time required by a normal oven.

4. a measured amount of goods

▷ quota /ˈkwəʊtə/ [countable noun]

an official limit on the amount of something that can be produced, sold, brought into a country etc :

▪ An agreement on fishing quotas was reached by EU ministers yesterday.

▪ a meeting of OPEC countries to discuss production quotas

impose a quota on/for something

▪ Several countries imposed quotas on imports of Japanese cars.

▷ yield /jiːld/ [countable noun]

the amount of something that is produced, especially crops :

▪ a 22% fall in this year’s cotton yield

5. an amount that is carried in something

▷ load /ləʊd/ [countable noun]

the amount or number of things or people that can be carried in a vehicle :

load of

▪ The first load of supplies will be arriving at the camp next week.

▪ Evans was jailed for hijacking a lorry with a £30,000 load of spirits, tobacco and groceries.

carload/vanload/truckload etc

▪ a truckload of sheep

▪ a vanload of furniture

▪ A carload of American tourists pulled up in the street beside him and asked for directions.

▷ -ful /fʊl/ []

spoonful/bagful etc

the amount that is contained in a spoon, bag etc :

▪ We bought three bagfuls of coal.

▪ She added a spoonful of olive oil to the boiling water, then threw in the pasta.

6. the amount of something bad such as crime, poverty etc

▷ amount /əˈmaʊnt/ [singular noun]

use this when you are talking generally about how often something bad happens :

amount of

▪ There is growing alarm at the amount of violence on the streets of our city.

▪ The amount of car crime seems to be on the increase.

▷ level /ˈlev ə l/ [countable noun]

use this to talk about the exact amount of a particular problem at one time, even though this amount may go up or down at other times :

▪ Pollution levels in some rivers are already dangerous.

the level of something

▪ the rising level of crime in the inner cities

▷ rate /reɪt/ [countable noun]

use this to talk about the number of times something happens within a certain period of time, especially when talking about crime, social problems etc :

the crime/divorce/suicide/murder etc rate

▪ Nassau now has the third highest crime rate in the world.

▪ There is a 40% unemployment rate in the region.

▷ extent /ɪkˈstent/ [singular noun]

use this to talk about how large and how serious a problem is :

the extent of something

▪ Government inspectors will assess the extent of the damage.

▪ Considering the extent of his injuries, he’s lucky to be alive.

to such an extent

to such a large degree

▪ Discontent had grown to such an extent that the government had to withdraw the new tax.

to what extent

▪ To what extent were politicians responsible for the high unemployment which Britain experienced between the wars?

▷ incidence /ˈɪnsɪd ə ns, ˈɪnsəd ə ns/ [singular noun] formal

use this to talk about the number of times something bad happens, for example how many people have a particular illness, or how many crimes or accidents there are :

the incidence of something

▪ Since the early 1970s the incidence of breast cancer has increased by about 1% per year.

high/low incidence

▪ Poverty is one of the reasons for the high incidence of crime in this district.

▪ a neighborhood with a high incidence of drug and alcohol abuse

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