Meaning of EXTREME in English


1. words for describing extreme opinions or people

2. someone who has extreme opinions


see also




1. words for describing extreme opinions or people

▷ extreme /ɪkˈstriːm/ [adjective usually before noun]

extreme opinions or beliefs about politics, religion etc are too strong and most people regard them as unreasonable :

▪ Buchanan’s political views are too extreme for most Americans.

▪ extreme left-wing groups

▪ We like to present an extreme position to get people to react to it.

▷ extremist /ɪkˈstriːmɪst, ɪkˈstriːməst/ [adjective only before noun]

extremist ideas or political organizations involve actions or aims that are very strong and most people think are unreasonable :

▪ The military is expecting a violent response from extremist groups.

▪ extremist elements within the party

▪ Neither of these extremist solutions seemed very popular with the voters.

▷ far-left/far-right /ˌfɑːʳleft, fɑːʳˈraɪt/ [adjective only before noun]

relating to the most extreme left wing or right wing of a political organization or among followers of a set of political beliefs :

▪ Both the far-left Communists and the far-right National Alliance are calling for new elections.

▪ Observers are disturbed by the rise in the number of far-right militias.

▷ hardline /ˈhɑːʳdlaɪn/ [adjective only before noun]

having very definite and extreme political opinions and aims, and completely unwilling to accept or support anything different or less extreme :

▪ The army is run by a few hardline generals.

▪ Hardline separatists have rejected the proposed constitution.

▷ ultra /ˈʌltrə/ [prefix]

ultra-right-wing/left-wing/radical etc

far more right-wing, left-wing etc than usual :

▪ He spoke before the ultra-right-wing Heritage Foundation on Thursday.

▪ The Socialist party has been infiltrated by members of the ultra-radical ‘True Path’ group.

2. someone who has extreme opinions

▷ extremist /ɪkˈstriːmɪst, ɪkˈstriːməst/ [countable noun]

someone who has extreme opinions, especially about politics or religion :

▪ The government condemns anyone who disagrees with it as extremists.

▪ The regime has been accused of supporting extremists in other countries in the region.

▪ Left-wing extremists have threatened to disrupt the political convention.

▷ fanatic /fəˈnætɪk/ [countable noun]

someone who agrees with and supports very extreme religious or political aims, is completely certain that their opinions are right, and who is thought to be dangerous :

▪ His parents were religious fanatics who didn’t allow him to play with other children.

▪ Pro-Fascist fanatics have continued their attacks on foreigners.

fanatical [adjective]

▪ His government has supplied weapons to fanatical separatist groups abroad.

fanaticism /fəˈnætɪsɪz ə m, fəˈnætəsɪz ə m/ [uncountable noun]

▪ Her religious fanaticism has alienated most of her old friends.

▷ hardliner /ˌhɑːʳdˈlaɪnəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who believes very deeply in a set of political aims and ideas, and will not accept or support any changes to them, even if this is unreasonable or unhelpful :

▪ Cuban-American hardliners continue to reject any dealings with Castro.

▪ The Prime Minister has been criticized by hardliners in his party for giving away too much in the treaty.

▷ militant /ˈmɪlɪtənt, ˈmɪlətənt/ [countable noun]

someone who is willing to work outside usual political structures, and use illegal or violent methods if necessary, in order to achieve political change :

▪ He is one of the militants convicted of the World Trade Center bombing.

▪ A crowd of militants took to the streets to protest the government’s policies.

militant [adjective]

▪ Yassin is the founder of the militant Islamic movement Hamas.

▷ fundamentalist /ˌfʌndəˈment ə l-ɪst, ˌfʌndəˈment ə l-əst/ [countable noun]

someone who follows the rules of their religion very strictly, in a way that seems very unusual to people who do not believe in the same way :

Christian/Muslim/Jewish/Hindu etc fundamentalist

▪ an organized Christian fundamentalist movement

fundamentalist group/leader/party/church etc

▪ They belong to a fundamentalist church.

▷ hardcore/hard-core /ˈhɑːʳdkɔːʳ/ [adjective only before noun]

the hardcore members of a political organization are the small group of people who have the strongest beliefs and who do the most work :

▪ The organization has only about 30 hardcore supporters.

▪ Dole at least had the support of loyal hard-core Republicans.

▷ zealot /ˈzelət/ [countable noun]

someone who has very extreme beliefs about something, especially about religion, and who thinks that everyone else should live their lives according to religious rules and beliefs :

▪ A few zealots strongly objected to the proposed sale of alcohol at the local store.

▪ Anti-abortion zealots are responsible for the bombing of the clinic.

▷ diehard /ˈdaɪhɑːʳd/ [countable noun]

someone who completely refuses to accept new ideas, especially political ideas, even after most other people have accepted them :

▪ Salisbury, Walton, and a few other diehards still refused to join the coalition.

▪ Taylor is one of the diehards willing to push the development program at any price.

diehard [adjective only before noun]

▪ The government supported Burnell to keep his diehard supporters happy.

▷ lunatic fringe /ˌluːnətɪk ˈfrɪndʒ/ []

a small number of people within a larger organization or movement, whose ideas are so extreme or unusual that most people think they are stupid or a little crazy :

▪ Many think the lunatic fringe has really harmed the public image of gays among the middle class.

▪ Animal rights campaigners blame the latest set of bomb attacks on the lunatic fringe within the movement.

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