[ex.treme] adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L extremus, superl. of exter, exterus being on the outside--more at exterior] (15c) 1 a: existing in a very high degree "~ poverty" b: going to great or exaggerated lengths: radical "went on an ~ diet" c: exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected "~ weather conditions"
2. archaic: last
3: situated at the farthest possible point from a center "the country's ~ north"
4. a: most advanced or thoroughgoing "the ~ political left" b: maximum syn see excessive -- ex.treme.ness n
[2]extreme n (1555) 1 a: something situated at or marking one end or the other of a range "~s of heat and cold" b: the first term or the last term of a mathematical proportion c: the major term or minor term of a syllogism
2. a: a very pronounced or excessive degree b: highest degree: maximum
3: an extreme measure or expedient "going to ~s" -- in the extreme : to the greatest possible extent