Meaning of LIFE in English


1. the time when someone is alive

2. the kind of life that someone has

3. continuing for all of someone’s life


see also







1. the time when someone is alive

▷ life /laɪf/ [countable noun]

the time when someone is alive :

the happiest/saddest/worst etc day of your life

▪ The day our daughter was born was the happiest day of my life.

the rest of somebody’s life

▪ Sutcliffe was sent to jail for the rest of his life.

spend your life

▪ Dad spent his life building up this business.

▪ How would you like to spend your life? What kind of work would you like to do?

for life

for the rest of your life

▪ The accident left him crippled for life.

somebody’s early life

when someone was young

▪ He knew very little about his mother’s early life in Africa.

somebody’s adult life

▪ The first half of my adult life was spent in jail.

in later life

when you are old

▪ Lack of calcium can lead to bone disease in later life.

▷ lifetime /ˈlaɪftaɪm/ [countable noun usually singular]

the time when someone is alive - use this when you are talking about how long someone lived and what happened in their life :

in/during somebody’s lifetime

▪ He suffered a lot of pain in his short lifetime.

▪ During Dickinson’s lifetime, only a few of her works were actually published.

lifetime of

▪ The National Medal of Arts award is meant to honor a lifetime of achievement.

last a lifetime

last as long as someone lives

▪ A good tool should last a lifetime.

once-in-a-lifetime chance/opportunity

a chance or opportunity that will only happen once in a person’s lifetime

▪ The visit to Tibet was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

▷ days /deɪz/ [plural noun]

someone’s life, especially a particular period of their life :

somebody’s student days/school days

▪ I asked Debbie about her student days and she just laughed. ‘I dropped out of school the day I turned 16,’ she said.

somebody’s younger days

▪ In her younger days, she was quite a fancy dresser.

somebody’s early days

the time when someone has just started something, especially a job

▪ The play is based on the early days of cabaret singer Rosie Kincaid.

the rest of your days

the rest of your life

▪ Evelyn spent the rest of her days quietly in the country until her death in 1963.

end your days

spend the last part of your life doing something

▪ She ended her days in poverty.

somebody’s days as/with something

a period of time in someone’s life when they were doing a particular job or activity

▪ Michael knew Annette during her days as an off-Broadway actress.

▪ I first became a fan of guitarist Cory Weldon during his days with the Leeds band, Sinister Minister.

▷ lifespan /ˈlaɪfspæn/ [singular noun]

the length of time that a person or animal usually lives :

normal/natural/average lifespan

▪ The natural lifespan of a pig is 10-12 years.

short/long lifespan

▪ Saltwater fish have a shorter lifespan in the aquarium.

somebody’s lifespan

▪ Authorities estimate that smoking trims between 12 and 15 years off a person’s lifespan.

▷ life expectancy /ˌlaɪf ɪkˈspektənsi/ [countable noun]

the length of time that a person or animal is expected to live :

▪ Women have a longer life expectancy than men.

low/high life expectancy

a short or long life

▪ Life expectancy was much lower then than it is now.

average life expectancy

▪ At the beginning of the century, the average life expectancy for Americans was less than 50 years.

have a life expectancy of 64/78 etc years

be expected to live until you are 64/78 etc

▪ British males now have a life expectancy of around 77 years.

▷ life cycle /ˈlaɪf ˌsaɪk ə l/ [countable noun]

all the different stages in development that an animal or plant has in the time that it is alive :

▪ Despite decades of study, the life cycle of the tiny shellfish, krill, is still something of a mystery.

2. the kind of life that someone has

▷ life /laɪf/ [countable noun]

the kind of life that someone has :

▪ Having a baby completely changes your life.

a happy/busy/exciting etc life

▪ Debbie has a really busy life, doesn’t she?

▪ They enjoyed a full and happy life together until his death in June l999.

lead a happy/quiet/exciting etc life

▪ We’ve led a very quiet life since Ralph retired.

quality of life

the level of health, comfort and pleasure in someone’s life

▪ By our actions today, we can improve the quality of life for future generations.

a better life

▪ Immigrating to the UK was their only chance for a better life.

a life of crime

when you make money by committing crimes instead of having a normal job

▪ He left school at 15, quickly turning to a life of crime.

▷ existence /ɪgˈzɪst ə ns/ [singular noun]

the life that someone has, especially when they have difficult or bad experiences :

a lonely/miserable/unhappy etc existence

▪ Elena faced a lonely existence in the big city.

lead a miserable/lonely etc existence

have a particular existence

▪ The workers lived a miserable existence and were treated like serfs.

▷ lifestyle /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ [countable noun]

the way someone lives and behaves, and the type of things they buy, eat etc :

a healthy lifestyle

▪ You really need to think about leading a healthier lifestyle.

lavish/luxurious lifestyle

the lifestyle of someone who is very rich

▪ Hurst’s lavish lifestyle is the stuff of legend.

extravagant lifestyle

a lifestyle that shows people how rich you are

▪ Even when in debt, he continued to enjoy an extravagant lifestyle.

▷ way of life /ˌweɪ əv ˈlaɪf/ [noun phrase]

the way in which a person or group of people lives, and the type of things they usually do :

somebody’s way of life

▪ ‘How can we abandon our way of life?’ asked the old sheep herder. ‘It’s all we know.’

become a way of life

▪ Casual dress has become a way of life in corporate Britain.

the British/German/American etc way of life

▪ Shopping is an important part of the American way of life.

▷ live well/happily/carefully etc /ˌlɪv ˈwel/ [verb phrase]

to live your life in a particular way :

▪ Tom and Linda both earn good salaries -- they live well and have a nice home.

▪ One can live cheaply in London, although it’s not easy.

3. continuing for all of someone’s life

▷ all your life /ˌɔːl jɔːʳ ˈlaɪf/ [adverb]

for the whole of your life :

▪ I’ve known Jenny all my life.

▪ Despite having worked hard all his life, Jimmy had saved very little for retirement.

▷ for life /fəʳ ˈlaɪf/ [adverb]

if something is for life, it will continue and not change for the rest of your life :

▪ There’s no such thing as a job for life these days.

▪ As far as I’m concerned, when you get married it’s for life.

▷ lifelong /ˈlaɪflɒŋǁ-lɔːŋ/ [adjective only before noun]

continuing for all of your life - use this about beliefs, feelings, or relationships that last for the whole of your life :

lifelong supporter

▪ My father was a lifelong supporter of the Democrats.

lifelong ambition

something that you have always wanted to do

▪ It was her lifelong ambition to write a best-selling novel.

lifelong friends

friends for life

▪ The two remained lifelong friends.

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