Meaning of LIFE in English



BAD : The cost of life is very high in London.

GOOD : The cost of living is very high in London.

BAD : During a recession, some people find it difficult to make a life.

GOOD : During a recession, some people find it difficult to make a living.


Phrases connected with the idea of money end with living (NOT life ): 'Salaries have not kept up with increases in the cost of living.' 'It's difficult to earn/make a living as an actress.' 'Acting is fun, but I wouldn't want to do it for a living.'


BAD : Television has taught me a lot about the American life.

GOOD : Television has taught me a lot about the American way of life.

DUBIOUS : This busy type of life allows us no time to sit down and relax.

GOOD : This busy lifestyle allows us no time to sit down and relax.


way of life = the way that a society, group or person chooses to live: 'I found the British way of life very strange at first.' 'The computer has transformed our whole way of life.'

lifestyle = way of life, especially that of a particular person: 'As a photographer, she has a very hectic lifestyle.'


BAD : The life in the countryside is quiet and relaxed.

GOOD : Life in the countryside is quiet and relaxed.

BAD : He didn't enjoy the life in the army at all.

GOOD : He didn't enjoy life in the army at all.


When life means 'the way of life that is connected with a particular type of situation, group or occupation', it is usually used without the : 'I found city life too stressful.' 'Life in New York is full of excitement.' 'What do you think of married life?'


BAD : He was the most attractive man that I had met in my life.

GOOD : He was the most attractive man that I had ever met.


When a superlative ('most attractive') is followed by a relative clause, use that ... ever ... (NOT that ... in my/her etc life) : 'It was the best holiday we'd ever had.' 'This is the worst film I've ever seen.'


BAD : It was one of the happiest days in my life.

GOOD : It was one of the happiest days of my life.


superlative ('happiest') + noun + of your life (NOT in ): 'She refers to her childhood as the most carefree time of her life.'

Compare: 'One of the most important things in life is good health.'


BAD : On Saturday nights there is usually life music at the club.

GOOD : On Saturday nights there is usually live music at the club.


live = heard or seen while it is actually being played or performed: 'Tonight's live concert comes from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.'

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