Meaning of NOT STRICT in English


1. people/organizations

2. rules/laws/systems

3. to treat someone strictly

4. to deal very strictly with bad behaviour or crime

5. punishments/criticism

6. to make rules less strict

7. to become less strict

8. people/attitudes that are not strict

9. criticism/punishment that is not strict


see also







1. people/organizations

▷ strict /strɪkt/ [adjective]

someone who is strict makes people obey rules and refuses to let people disobey them - use this especially about parents, teachers, or organizations :

▪ Teachers need to be strict , but also fair.

strict with

▪ I think you’re too strict with your children.

strict about

▪ The manager is very strict about people getting to work on time.

▪ Most schools are quite strict about the way students dress.

strictly [adverb]

▪ They brought their children up very strictly.

▷ firm /fɜːʳm/ [adjective]

if you are firm with someone, you tell them that they must accept what you say because you are not going to change it :

▪ Emily was polite but firm - her answer was ‘no’.

firm with

▪ You’ll just have to be firm with him and tell him he can’t have any more money.

firmly [adverb]

▪ ‘No,’ she said firmly, ‘you can’t go.’

▪ She told me quite firmly that she wasn’t prepared to give any more time to the project.

▷ tough /tʌf/ [adjective] informal

determined that your orders or decisions will be obeyed, especially in order to make sure a situation or someone’s progress improves - use this especially when you think that someone is right to be strict :

▪ The chancellor has got to be tough and keep government spending down.

tough on

▪ We need a government that is tough on crime.

tough with

▪ She’s quite tough with her students.

▷ stern /stɜːʳn/ [adjective] written

strict in a serious, disapproving, and unfriendly way :

▪ Her grandfather was a stern man who rarely smiled.

▪ Sheila walked into the museum, under the stern gaze of the curator.

sternly [adverb]

▪ ‘What’s all this nonsense about?’ asked my uncle sternly.

▷ harsh /hɑːʳʃ/ [adjective]

cruel and not sympathetic in the way that you deal with bad behaviour or mistakes :

▪ It may seem harsh to punish him, but he has to learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable.

▪ Her reaction to the child’s bad behaviour was unnecessarily harsh.

harshly [adverb]

▪ He spoke firmly but not harshly.

▷ authoritarian /ɔːˌθɒrɪˈte ə riən, ɔːˌθɒrəˈte ə riənǁɔːˌθɑː-, əˌθɔː-/ [adjective]

forcing people to obey rules or laws, and punishing them severely if they do not :

▪ Their father was authoritarian in the home, insisting on total obedience.

▪ Many people are now demanding a more democratic and less authoritarian form of government.

authoritarian regime

▪ an extreme right-wing, authoritarian regime

▷ be a stickler for /biː ə ˈstɪkləʳ fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase]

to demand that people keep strictly to rules, customs etc, especially in a way that people think is unnecessary and old-fashioned :

▪ The caretaker is a real stickler for rules.

▪ My mother was a stickler for cleanliness.

▷ disciplinarian /ˌdɪsɪpləˈne ə riən, ˌdɪsəpləˈne ə riən/ [countable noun]

a very strict person who believes that people should obey rules and orders, and who punishes those who do not :

▪ The store manager was a disciplinarian, but was always fair to his staff.

strict disciplinarian

▪ She was a wonderful teacher, but a strict disciplinarian.

2. rules/laws/systems

▷ strict /strɪkt/ [adjective usually before noun]

strict rules, laws, etc are very clear and must always be obeyed :

▪ There are strict rules about the use of dangerous chemicals.

▪ He had strict instructions to return the key to me.

strictly [adverb]

▪ Smoking is strictly forbidden in this area.

▷ tough /tʌf/ [adjective]

tough laws or rules are very strict and do not allow much freedom :

▪ The federal government is introducing tough new rules to control immigration.

▪ Opposition leaders are demanding tougher laws against drinking and driving.

▷ harsh /hɑːʳʃ/ [adjective]

a harsh law or system of government has strict rules and severe punishments - use this about something that you think is unfair and too strict :

▪ The government has brought in harsh measures to combat the rioting taking place in many cities.

▪ a harsh military regime

harshly [adverb]

▪ Many of the prisoners were treated very harshly.

▷ stringent /ˈstrɪndʒənt/ [adjective]

controlled very strictly by rules that have very high standards :

stringent controls/measures/regulations etc

▪ There are now stringent controls on pollution from all power stations.

▪ stringent air safety regulations

▷ rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd, ˈrɪdʒəd/ [adjective]

rigid systems or rules are very strict and difficult to change :

▪ He built the team through hard training and rigid discipline.

▪ It is not possible to lay down rigid rules on sentencing - judges must be free to use their discretion.

▷ tight /taɪt/ [adjective]

tight controls or limits are very strict about what is allowed and what is not allowed :

▪ The report recommends tighter controls on the advertising of cigarettes.

▪ Laws controlling the emission of greenhouse gases are not nearly tight enough.

▷ draconian /drəˈkəʊniən/ [adjective] formal

draconian laws/measures/penalties etc

laws or punishments that are extremely strict or cruel :

▪ The government has imposed draconian penalties for anyone found in possession of illegal drugs.

▪ Draconian measures have been implemented to control population growth.

3. to treat someone strictly

▷ be hard on /biː ˈhɑːʳd ɒn/ [verb phrase]

to treat someone very strictly and sometimes unfairly :

▪ Sometimes I think you’re too hard on that boy.

▪ Don’t be too hard on her. She didn’t mean to break it.

▷ get tough with /get ˈtʌf wɪð/ [verb phrase]

to begin to treat someone strictly because they have been doing something that is wrong or illegal :

▪ At last the government is starting to get tough with dealers who sell dangerous second-hard cars.

▪ Football clubs have been told that they must get tough with violent fans.

▷ stand/take no nonsense /ˌstænd, ˌteɪk nəʊ ˈnɒns ə nsǁ-ˈnɑːnsens/ [verb phrase]

if you say that you stand or take no nonsense, you mean you treat other people strictly, but in a way that makes people respect you :

▪ I won’t stand any nonsense. I want you all in bed by nine o'clock.

stand/take no nonsense from

▪ She was a very good teacher who would take no nonsense from her students.

▷ rule with a rod of iron /ˌruːl wɪð ə ˌrɒd əv ˈaɪəʳnǁ-ˌrɑːd-/ [verb phrase not in progressive]

to control an organization or group of people very strictly, by always punishing people if they do not obey you :

▪ Their mother ruled their life with a rod of iron.

▪ The Secret police ruled the city with a rod of iron.

▷ keep a tight rein on /kiːp ə ˌtaɪt ˈreɪn ɒn/ [verb phrase]

to strictly control someone’s behaviour, for example by not allowing them to do things without asking your permission :

▪ They keep a very tight rein on their children.

▪ The government has promised to keep a tight rein on public spending.

4. to deal very strictly with bad behaviour or crime

▷ come down hard on /ˌkʌm daʊn ˈhɑːʳd ɒn/ [verb phrase]

to deal very strictly with a bad behaviour or crime by punishing people severely for it :

▪ You’ll find that Mr Evans comes down very hard on people who don’t do their job properly.

▪ The authorities are really coming down hard on tax evasion.

▷ crack down on /ˌkræk ˈdaʊn ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to start dealing with an illegal activity in a much stricter way than before :

▪ The Athletics Federation plans to crack down on drug and steroid abuse by athletes.

▪ The government has promised to crack down on crime.

▪ City authorities were quick to crack down on the rioters.

crack-down /ˈkræk daʊn/ [countable noun]

▪ In the first week of the police crack-down, over 500 car thieves were arrested.

crack down on

▪ a crack-down on drug dealers

▷ clamp down on /ˌklæmp ˈdaʊn ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to treat a particular crime or activity much more strictly than before to stop it from becoming more common :

▪ New laws will clamp down on the illegal smuggling of cigarettes and tobacco.

▪ Recently the courts have clamped down on joy-riding.

clamp-down /ˈklæmp daʊn/ [countable noun]

clamp down on

▪ Children’s organizations are calling for a clamp-down on TV violence.

▷ tighten up /ˌtaɪtn ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to make rules, laws, or controls more strict so that it is harder for people to break them :

▪ The prime minister has promised to tighten up the law on carbon dioxide emissions.

tighten up on

▪ The music industry is determined to tighten up on the illegal copying of CDs.

5. punishments/criticism

▷ severe /sɪˈvɪəʳ, səˈvɪəʳ/ [adjective]

use this to describe a punishment or criticism that is very strict :

▪ There are very severe penalties for drug dealing.

▪ Many people feel the punishment should have been more severe.

▪ The organization has been the subject of severe criticism for the way it treated its staff.

severely [adverb]

▪ Anyone caught breaking the rules will be severely punished.

▷ heavy /ˈhevi/ [adjective]

use this to describe a punishment that is strict :

heavy fine

▪ Companies that continue to cause pollution will now face heavy fines.

heavy penalty

▪ There are heavy penalties for anyone caught in possession of counterfeit money.

▷ stiff /stɪf/ [adjective]

use this to describe an official punishment that is more strict than usual :

stiff fine

▪ Motorists who do not obey the rules will face stiff fines of up to £3000.

stiff penalty

▪ Magistrates now have the power to impose stiff penalties on the parents of children who fail to turn up for school.

stiff sentence

▪ For crimes involving the use of guns, the sentences are particularly stiff.

6. to make rules less strict

▷ relax /rɪˈlæks/ [transitive verb]

to make rules, laws, or controls less strict :

▪ The government proposes to relax the rules on bringing pets into the country.

▪ Local residents are protesting against plans to relax laws controlling pub opening hours.

7. to become less strict

▷ relent /rɪˈlent/ [intransitive verb]

to change your mind and decide to be less strict about something :

▪ Marjorie finally relented and agreed to meet him.

▪ Prison officials relented and allowed Wilson to receive visits from his family.

▪ He begged and begged to be allowed to go to the game, and in the end I relented.

▷ soften /ˈsɒf ə nǁˈsɔː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to become less strict and more sympathetic towards someone :

▪ The inspector looked angry but then softened when he saw the boy’s frightened expression.

▪ The government seems to have softened its attitude towards single parents.

▷ mellow /ˈmeləʊ/ [intransitive verb]

to change your attitude and become less strict, especially over a long period of time :

▪ She’s mellowed a lot since she retired.

mellow with age/time

▪ He hasn’t always been so understanding. He’s really mellowed with age.

▷ go easy on /ˌgəʊ ˈiːzi ɒn/ [verb phrase] especially spoken

to treat someone less strictly than usual, especially because they have special problems or difficulties :

▪ Go easy on her. She’s had a very difficult time since her parents died.

▪ I think you should go easy on Jim.

▷ ease up on /ˌiːz ˈʌp ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to stop treating someone so strictly, especially because they do not deserve it or because they are affected badly by it :

▪ I’ve decided we need to ease up on Sally and take the pressure off her for a while.

▷ let up on /ˌlet ˈʌp ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to treat someone less strictly, especially temporarily after a period of strict treatment :

▪ If you let up on him he’ll have a chance to show that he can behave himself.

▪ She never lets up on those poor kids!

8. people/attitudes that are not strict

▷ lenient /ˈliːniənt/ [adjective]

not strict in the way that you punish people or control their behaviour :

▪ The younger teachers generally had a more lenient attitude towards their students.

lenient with

▪ Some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with car thieves and burglars.

leniently [adverb]

▪ The courts will often deal quite leniently with first-time offenders.

leniency [uncountable noun]

when someone is not strict: :

▪ This report shows that wealthy people are treated with more leniency when they break the law.

▷ easy-going /ˌiːzi ˈgəʊɪŋ◂/ [adjective]

someone who is easy-going does not care about being strict, and is usually calm and relaxed :

▪ Our parents are pretty easy-going, and they don’t mind if we stay out late.

▷ soft /sɒftǁsɔːft/ [adjective]

someone who is soft seems weak because they are not strict enough with other people :

▪ He doesn’t have the right personality to be an army officer, he’s too soft.

soft on

▪ They accused the government of being too soft on crime.

▷ tolerant /ˈtɒlərəntǁˈtɑː-/ [adjective]

allowing people to do, say, or believe what they like without fear of being punished or criticized :

▪ I’ve tried to adopt a fairly tolerant attitude towards his behaviour.

tolerant of

▪ She’s not very tolerant of other people’s failings.

tolerant towards

▪ You should try to be more tolerant towards other people.

▷ tolerance /ˈtɒlərənsǁˈtɑː-/ [uncountable noun]

behaviour or an attitude that allows people to do, say, or believe what they like without fear of being punished or criticized :

▪ Tolerance was not a quality you associated with my parents.

tolerance of

▪ The government is beginning to show more tolerance of opposition groups.

tolerance towards

▪ The school encourages an attitude of tolerance towards all people.

▷ liberal /ˈlɪb ə rəl/ [adjective]

willing to understand and respect other people’s ideas, opinions, and behaviour, even if you do not approve of them :

▪ I was fortunate enough to have very liberal parents.

▪ He has quite liberal views for someone of his generation.

▷ broad-minded /ˌbrɔːd ˈmaɪndə̇d/ [adjective]

willing to accept and respect other people’s beliefs or behaviour although they many be very different from your own :

▪ My mother’s quite broad-minded. She understands my decision to bring up my baby on my own.

▷ permissive /pəʳˈmɪsɪv/ [adjective]

a permissive society or person allows behaviour, especially sexual behaviour, that many other people disapprove of :

▪ In the permissive society of the 1960s anything was possible.

▪ It’s not always true that young people have a more permissive attitude towards sex.

permissiveness [uncountable noun]

▪ Some parents are worried that their children might be corrupted by western permissiveness.

▷ lax /læks/ [adjective]

not strict enough, especially through laziness or carelessness :

▪ The report criticizes the lax security at many prisons.

lax about

▪ I think the school has been too lax about bad behaviour in the past.

laxity [uncountable noun] formal :

▪ She accused Henry of moral laxity.

▷ over-indulgent /ˌəʊvər ɪnˈdʌldʒ ə nt◂/ [adjective]

allowing someone, especially a child, to behave in whatever way they want because you love them :

▪ Parents can easily fall into the trap of being over-indulgent with their first child.

▪ She was brought up by a succession of over-indulgent relations.

9. criticism/punishment that is not strict

▷ light /laɪt/ [adjective]

▪ The sentence was surprisingly light for such a serious offence.

▪ Some ministers are suggesting that there should be much lighter penalties for first-time offenders.

▷ lenient /ˈliːniənt/ [adjective]

an official punishment that is lenient is not severe :

▪ The prosecution lawyer challenged the sentence as being unduly lenient.

▪ He was given a comparatively lenient fine.

▷ mild /maɪld/ [adjective]

criticism or a punishment that is mild is not strict, especially in a way that is surprising :

▪ Many drug dealers are prepared to take the risk because they know that if they are caught the punishment will be mild.

▪ Her proposals were welcomed by most people, with only mild criticism from a few of her opponents.

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