Meaning of PRUNE in English

I. verb




Otherwise they should now be pruned back hard.

In autumn tree surgeons would come to prune back the branches, but not yet.

The novel is about a third too long, and the second half could decently have been pruned back .



It can be found in baking a cake, pruning a tree , or holding a children's party.

I went down to the phone to talk with Erica and Stuart, then came back up and pruned two apple trees .

Secondly, the bounds provided by penalties can be used to prune the tree and avoid unnecessary pivots.

Would it be possible for them also to prune this tree hard back so the light can be seen.


Miniature roses do not need much pruning and are ideal for planting in pots.

Red dogwoods should be pruned regularly.

The state has pruned $275 million from this year's budget.

What's the best time of the year for pruning apple trees?


He has ruthlessly pruned his original plans for a quick dash to the top.

Heavy pruning can promote vigorous new growth, which can increase susceptibility to the disease.

In the intermediate zone between a population boom and a population bust, this superfluous genetic material is pruned out.

It can be found in baking a cake, pruning a tree, or holding a children's party.

Major pruning is done in late winter.

The role of government in macroeconomic management had to be pruned to a bare minimum.

Time also has worked wonders, pruning many of the bad investigative reporters and retaining many of the good ones.

Would it be possible for them also to prune this tree hard back so the light can be seen.

II. noun


An image that captures the dichotomy of possibilities in getting older is the plum versus the prune .

Besides, it has prunes in it, did you know that?

Deep lines grooved her prune of a face.

One of the most important discriminators between plums and prunes is what their age means to them.

Put the prunes in an earthenware oven dish, with the wine and enough water to cover them.

The prunes were good but with three extra stones in the juice Christopher wondered who might have been there before him.

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