[prune] n [ME, fr. MF, plum, fr. L prunum--more at plum] (14c): a plum dried or capable of drying without fermentation
[2]prune vb pruned ; prun.ing [ME prouynen, fr. MF proignier, prob. alter. of provigner to layer, fr. provain layer, fr. L propagin-, propago, fr. pro- forward + pangere to fix--more at pro-, pact] vt (15c) 1 a: to reduce esp. by eliminating superfluous matter "pruned the text" "~ the budget" b: to remove as superfluous "~ away all ornamentation"
2: to cut off or cut back parts of for better shape or more fruitful growth ~ vi: to cut away what is unwanted or superfluous -- prun.er n