I. ˈprün noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, plum, from Latin prunum — more at plum
Date: 14th century
: a plum dried or capable of drying without fermentation
II. verb
( pruned ; prun·ing )
Etymology: Middle English prouynen, probably ultimately from Old French prooignier , alteration of * porrooignier , from por - completely (from Latin pro -) + rooignier to cut, prune, from Vulgar Latin * rotundiare to cut around, from Latin rotundus round — more at pro- , rotund
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
a. : to reduce especially by eliminating superfluous matter
pruned the text
prune the budget
b. : to remove as superfluous
prune away all ornamentation
2. : to cut off or cut back parts of for better shape or more fruitful growth
prune the branches
intransitive verb
: to cut away what is unwanted or superfluous
• prun·er noun