I. FT 100 Share In ‧ dex, the /ˌef tiː wʌn ˌhʌndrəd ˈʃeər ˌɪndeks/ BrE AmE ( also the FTSE 100 /ˌfʊtsi wʌn ˈhʌndrəd/), the Footsie
the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index; a number that shows whether ↑ share s in companies on the London ↑ stock exchange have generally risen or fallen in value on a particular day. The number is based on the share prices of 100 large and important companies:
The FT 100 Share Index closed at 5124, down 40 points on the day.
⇨ ↑ Dow Jones Average , ↑ Hang Seng Index , ↑ Nikkei index
II. FTSE In ‧ dex /ˈfʊtsi ˌɪndeks/ BrE AmE ( also FT 100 Share Index /ˌef tiː wʌn hʌndrəd ˈʃeər ˌɪndeks $ -ˈʃer-/ , FTSE 100 ) noun
the FTSE Index (the Financial Times Stock Exchange Index) a daily list of prices of shares on the London Stock Exchange, based on the daily average prices of shares in the top 100 companies ⇨ the Dow Jones Index