Meaning of LAY (SOMETHING) ON in English

lay something on phrasal verb ( see also ↑ lay )

1 . lay something ↔ on especially British English to provide something such as food, entertainment, or transport for a group of people:

They laid on a buffet for his farewell party.

A bus has been laid on to take you home.

2 . lay something on somebody to ask someone to do something, especially something that is difficult or something they will not want to do:

Sorry to lay this on you, but we need someone to give a talk at the conference next week.

3 . lay it on (thick) informal

a) to praise someone or something too much, especially in order to get what you want

b) to talk about something in a way that makes it seem more important, serious etc than it really is SYN exaggerate

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.