Meaning of BEAR in English


Pronunciation: ' ber

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural bears

Usage: often attrib

Etymology: Middle English bere, from Old English bera; akin to Old English br ū n brown ― more at BROWN

Date: before 12th century

1 or plural bear : any of a family (Ursidae of the order Carnivora) of large heavy mammals of America and Eurasia that have long shaggy hair, rudimentary tails, and plantigrade feet and feed largely on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well as on flesh

2 : a surly, uncouth, burly, or shambling person <a tall, friendly bear of a man>

3 [probably from the proverb about selling the bearskin before catching the bear ] : one that sells securities or commodities in expectation of a price decline ― compare BULL

4 : something difficult to do or deal with <the oven is a bear to clean>

– bear · like \ - ˌ l ī k \ adjective

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