Pronunciation: ' big
Function: adjective
Inflected Form: big · ger ; big · gest
Etymology: Middle English, perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian dialect bugge important man
Date: 14th century
1 a obsolete : of great strength b : of great force <a big storm>
2 a : large or great in dimensions, bulk, or extent <a big house> also : large or great in quantity, number, or amount <a big fleet> b : operating on a large scale < big government> c : CAPITAL 1
3 a : PREGNANT especially : nearly ready to give birth b : full to bursting : SWELLING < big with rage> c of the voice : full and resonant
4 a : CHIEF , PREEMINENT <the big issue of the campaign> b : outstandingly worthy or able <a truly big man> c : of great importance or significance <the big moment> d : IMPOSING , PRETENTIOUS also : marked by or given to boasting < big talk> e : MAGNANIMOUS , GENEROUS <was big about it>
5 : POPULAR <soft drinks are very big in Mexico ― Russian Leadabrand>
6 : full-bodied and flavorful ― used of wine
– big · ly adverb
– big · ness noun
– big on : strongly favoring or liking also : noted for <she is big on blushing ― Arnold Hano>