Meaning of BIG in English

[big] adj big.ger ; big.gest [ME, perh. of Scand origin; akin to Norw dial. bugge important man] (14c) 1 a obs: of great strength b: of great force "a ~ storm"

2. a: large or great in dimensions, bulk, or extent "a ~ house"; also: large or great in quantity, number, or amount "a ~ fleet" b: operating on a large scale "~ government" c: capital 1 3 a: pregnant; esp: nearly ready to give birth b: full to bursting: swelling "~ with rage" c of the voice: full and resonant

4. a: chief, preeminent "the ~ issue of the campaign" b: outstandingly worthy or able "a truly ~ man" c: of great importance or significance "the ~ moment" d: imposing, pretentious; also: marked by or given to boasting "~ talk" e: magnanimous, generous "was ~ about it"

5: popular "soft drinks are very ~ in Mexico --Russ Leadabrand"

6: full-bodied and flavorful--used of wine -- adv -- big.ness n -- big on : strongly favoring or liking; also: noted for "she is big on blushing --Arnold Hano"

[2]big adv (1807) 1: in a loud or declamatory manner; also: in a boasting manner "talk ~"

2. a: to a large amount or extent "won ~" "lost ~" b: on a large scale "think ~" "worry ~"

3: hard "hits her forehand ~" [3]big n (1965): an individual or organization of outstanding importance or power; esp: major league--usu. used in pl. "playing in the ~s"

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