Meaning of EXTERNAL in English


Pronunciation: ek- ' st ə r-n ə l

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin externus external, from exter ― more at EXTERIOR

Date: 1542

1 a : capable of being perceived outwardly < external signs of a disease> b (1) : having merely the outward appearance of something : SUPERFICIAL (2) : not intrinsic or essential < external circumstances>

2 a : of, relating to, or connected with the outside or an outer part <the building's external features> b : applied or applicable to the outside <a lotion for external use>

3 a (1) : situated outside, apart, or beyond specifically : situated near or toward the surface of the body (2) : arising or acting from outside <an external force> b : of or relating to dealings or relationships with foreign countries c : having existence independent of the mind < external reality>

– ex · ter · nal · ly \ -n ə l- ē \ adverb

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