— externally , adv.
/ik sterr"nl/ , adj.
1. of or pertaining to the outside or outer part; outer: an external surface.
2. Med. to be applied to the outside of a body, as a remedy: for external use only.
3. situated or being outside something; acting or coming from without: external influences.
4. pertaining to the outward or visible appearance or show: external acts of worship.
5. pertaining to or concerned with foreign countries: external affairs; external commerce.
6. Zool. , Anat. on the side farthest from the body, the median line, or the center of a radially symmetrical form.
7. Metaphys. of or pertaining to the world of things, considered as independent of the perceiving mind: external world.
8. the outside; outer surface; exterior.
9. something that is external.
10. externals , external features, circumstances, etc.; outward appearance; superficialities.
[ 1375-1425; late ME; see EXTERN, -AL 1 ]
Syn. 1. outermost, exterior.