Meaning of FALL in English


Function: noun

Date: 13th century

1 : the act of falling by the force of gravity

2 a : a falling out, off, or away : DROPPING <the fall of leaves> <a fall of snow> b : the season when leaves fall from trees : AUTUMN c : a thing or quantity that falls or has fallen <a fall of rock at the base of the cliff> especially : one or more meteorites or their fragments that have fallen together d (1) : BIRTH (2) : the quantity born ― usually used of lambs

3 a : a costume decoration of lace or thin fabric arranged to hang loosely and gracefully b : a very wide turned-down collar worn in the 17th century c : the part of a turnover collar from the crease to the outer edge d : a wide front flap on trousers (as those worn by sailors) e : the freely hanging lower edge of the skirt of a coat f : one of the three outer and often drooping segments of the flower of an iris g : long hair overhanging the face of dogs of some breeds h : a usually long straight portion of hair that is attached to a person's own hair

4 : a hoisting-tackle rope or chain especially : the part of it to which the power is applied

5 a : loss of greatness : COLLAPSE <the fall of the Roman Empire> b : the surrender or capture of a besieged place <the fall of Troy> c : lapse or departure from innocence or goodness d : loss of a woman's chastity e : the blame for a failure or misdeed <took the fall for the robbery>

6 a : the downward slope (as of a hill) : DECLIVITY b : a precipitous descent of water : WATERFALL ― usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction c : a musical cadence d : a falling-pitch intonation in speech

7 : a decrease in size, quantity, degree, or value

8 a : the distance which something falls b : INCLINATION , PITCH

9 a : the act of felling something b : the quantity of trees cut down c (1) : an act of forcing a wrestler's shoulders to the mat for a specified time (as one second) (2) : a bout of wrestling

10 Scottish : DESTINY , LOT

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.