Pronunciation: ' fo ̇ r-w ə rd, also ' f ō - or ' fo ̇ -, Southern also ' fär-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English foreweard, from fore- + -weard -ward
Date: before 12th century
1 a : near, being at, or belonging to the forepart b : situated in advance
2 a : strongly inclined : READY b : lacking modesty or reserve : BRASH
3 : notably advanced or developed : PRECOCIOUS
4 : moving, tending, or leading toward a position in front also : moving toward an opponent's goal
5 a : advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress b : EXTREME , RADICAL
6 : of, relating to, or getting ready for the future < forward buying of produce>
– for · ward · ly adverb
– for · ward · ness noun