Meaning of HOLD in English


Function: noun

Date: 14th century



3 a (1) : the act or the manner of holding or grasping : GRIP <released his hold on the handle> (2) : a manner of grasping an opponent in wrestling b : a nonphysical bond that attaches, restrains, or constrains or by which something is affected, controlled, or dominated <has lost its hold on the broad public ― Oscar Cargill> c : full comprehension <get hold of exactly what is happening ― J. P. Lyford> d : full or immediate control : POSSESSION <get hold of yourself> <wants to get hold of a road map> e : TOUCH 14 ― used with of <tried to get hold of me>

4 : something that may be grasped as a support

5 a : FERMATA b : the time between the onset and the release of a vocal articulation

6 : a sudden motionless posture at the end of a dance

7 a : an order or indication that something is to be reserved or delayed b : a delay in a countdown (as in launching a spacecraft)

– on hold

1 : in a state of interruption during a telephone call when one party switches to another line without totally disconnecting the other party

2 : in a state or period of indefinite suspension <put our plans on hold >

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.