Pronunciation: ' m ā k
Function: verb
Inflected Form: made \ ' m ā d \ ; mak · ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English macian; akin to Old High German mahh ō n to prepare, make, Greek mag ē nai to be kneaded, Old Church Slavic mazati to anoint, smear
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
1 a obsolete : BEHAVE , ACT b : to begin or seem to begin (an action) < made to go>
2 a : to cause to happen to or be experienced by someone < made trouble for us> b : to cause to exist, occur, or appear : CREATE < make a disturbance> c : to favor the growth or occurrence of <haste make s waste> d : to fit, intend, or destine by or as if by creating <was made to be an actor>
3 a : to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material : FASHION < make a dress> b : COMPOSE , WRITE < make verses> c : to lay out and construct < make a road>
4 : to frame or formulate in the mind < make plans>
5 : to put together from components : CONSTITUTE <houses made of stone>
6 a : to compute or estimate to be b : to form and hold in the mind < make no doubt of it>
7 a : to assemble and set alight the materials for (a fire) b : to set in order < make beds> c : PREPARE , FIX < make dinner> d : to shuffle (a deck of cards) in preparation for dealing
8 : to prepare (hay) by cutting, drying, and storing
9 a : to cause to be or become < made them happy> < make s it possible> b : APPOINT < made him bishop>
10 a : ENACT , ESTABLISH < make laws> b : to execute in an appropriate manner < make a will> c : SET , NAME < make a price>
11 a chiefly dialect : SHUT <the doors are made against you ― Shakespeare> b : to cause (an electric circuit) to be completed
12 a : to conclude as to the nature or meaning of something <what do you make of this development?> b : to regard as being <not the fool some make him>
13 a : to carry out (an action indicated or implied by the object) < make war> < make a speech> < make a detour> b : to perform with a bodily movement < make a sweeping gesture>
14 a : to produce as a result of action, effort, or behavior with respect to something < make a mess of the job> <tried to make a thorough job of it> b archaic : to turn into another language by translation
15 : to cause to act in a certain way : COMPEL < make her give it back>
16 : to cause or assure the success or prosperity of <can either make you or break you>
17 a : to amount to in significance < make s a great difference> b : to form the essential being of <clothes make the man> c : to form by an assembling of individuals < make a quorum> d : to count as <that make s the third time you've said it>
18 a : to be or be capable of being changed or fashioned into <rags make the best paper> b : to develop into <she will make a fine judge> c : FORM 6B
19 a : REACH , ATTAIN < made port before the storm> ― often used with it <you'll never make it that far> b : to gain the rank of < make major> c : to gain a place on or in < make the team> <the story made the papers> d : to succeed in providing or obtaining < make bail>
20 : to gain (as money) by working, trading, or dealing < make a living>
21 a : to act so as to earn or acquire < make s friends easily> < make s poor grades> b : to score in a game or sport < make a field goal> < make a birdie> c : to convert (a split) into a spare in bowling d : to succeed in holing < make a putt>
22 a : to fulfill (a contract) in a card game b : to win a trick with (a card)
23 a : to include in a route or itinerary < make New York on the return trip> ― often used with it < make it to the party> b : CATCH 6B < made the bus just in time>
24 : to persuade to consent to sexual intercourse : SEDUCE
25 : to provide the most enjoyable or satisfying experience of <meeting the star of the show really made our day>
intransitive verb
1 archaic : to compose poetry
2 a : BEHAVE , ACT b : to begin or seem to begin a certain action < made as though to hand it to me> c : to act so as to be or to seem to be < make merry> d slang : to play a part ― usually used with like
3 : SET OUT , HEAD < made after the fox> < made straight for home>
4 : to increase in height or size <the tide is making now>
5 : to reach or extend in a certain direction
6 : to have considerable effect <courtesy make s for safer driving>
7 : to undergo manufacture or processing <the silk make s up beautifully>
– make a face or make faces : to distort one's features : GRIMACE
– make a mountain out of a molehill : to treat a trifling matter as of great importance
– make away with
1 : to carry off : STEAL
2 : KILL
– make believe : PRETEND , FEIGN
– make bold : VENTURE , DARE
– make book : to accept bets at calculated odds on all the entrants in a race or contest
– make common cause : to unite to achieve a shared goal
– make do : to get along or manage with the means at hand
– make ends meet : to make one's means adequate to one's needs
– make eyes : OGLE
– make friends with : to establish a friendship or friendly relations with
– make fun of : to make an object of amusement or laughter : RIDICULE , MOCK
– make good
1 or make good on : to make valid or complete: as a : to make up for (a deficiency) b : INDEMNIFY < make good the loss> c : to carry out successfully < made good their escape> < made good on his promise> d : PROVE < made good a charge>
2 : to prove to be capable also : SUCCEED
– make hay : to make use of a situation or circumstance especially in order to gain an advantage
– make head
1 : to make progress especially against resistance
2 : to rise in armed revolt
– make it
1 a : to be successful <trying to make it in the big time as a fashion photographer ― Joe Kane> b : to be satisfactory or pleasing <if it isn't danceable, it doesn't make it for me ― Judy Hyman>
2 : to have sexual intercourse
3 : SURVIVE , LIVE <half the cubs won't make it through their first year>
– make light of : to treat as of little account
– make love
2 a : NECK , PET b : to engage in sexual intercourse
– make much of
1 : to treat as of importance
2 : to treat with obvious affection or special consideration
– make nice : to be deliberately and often insincerely polite and agreeable <must make nice to politicians they cannot stand ― Ken Auletta>
– make no bones : to be straightforward, unhesitating, or sure < makes no bones about the seriousness of the matter>
– make one's mark : to achieve success or fame
– make public : DISCLOSE
– make sail
1 : to raise or spread sail
2 : to set out on a voyage
– make shift : to manage with difficulty
– make sport of : RIDICULE , MOCK
– make the grade : to measure up to some standard : be successful
– make the most of : to show or use to the best advantage
– make the scene : to be present at or participate in a usually specified activity or event
– make time
1 : to travel fast
2 : to gain time
3 : to make progress toward winning favor <trying to make time with the waitress>
– make tracks
1 : to proceed at a walk or run
2 : to go in a hurry : RUN AWAY , FLEE
– make use of : to put to use : EMPLOY
– make water
1 of a boat : LEAK
– make waves : to create a stir or disturbance
– make way
1 : to give room for passing, entering, or occupying
2 : to make progress
– make with
slang : PRODUCE , PERFORM ― usually used with the