Meaning of RISE in English


Pronunciation: ' r ī z also ' r ī s

Function: noun

Date: 15th century

1 a : a spot higher than surrounding ground : HILLTOP b : an upward slope <a rise in the road>

2 : an act of rising or a state of being risen: as a : a movement upward : ASCENT b : emergence (as of the sun) above the horizon c : the upward movement of a fish to seize food or bait

3 : BEGINNING , ORIGIN <the river had its rise in the mountain>

4 : the distance or elevation of one point above another

5 a : an increase especially in amount, number, or volume b chiefly British : RAISE 3B c : an increase in price, value, rate, or sum <a rise in the cost of living>

6 : an angry reaction <got a rise out of him>

7 : the distance from the crotch to the waistline on pants

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