Meaning of SIDE in English


Pronunciation: ' s ī d

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English s ī de; akin to Old High German s ī ta side, Old English s ī d ample, wide

Date: before 12th century

1 a : the right or left part of the wall or trunk of the body <a pain in the side > b (1) : one of the halves of the animal body on either side of the median plane (2) : a cut of meat including that about the ribs of one half of the body ― used chiefly of smoked pork products c : one longitudinal half of a hide

2 : a place, space, or direction with respect to a center or to a line of division (as of an aisle, river, or street)

3 a : one of the longer bounding surfaces or lines of an object especially contrasted with the ends <the side of a barn> b : a line or surface forming a border or face of an object <a die has six side s > <the back side of the moon> c : either surface of a thin object <one side of a record> <right side of the cloth> d : a bounding line of a geometric figure < side of a triangle>

4 a : the space beside one <stood by my side > b : an area next to something ― usually used in combination <a pool side interview>

5 : a slope (as of a hill) considered as opposed to another slope <the far side of the hill>

6 a : the attitude or activity of one person or group with respect to another : PART <there was no malice on my side > b : a position that is opposite to or contrasted with another <two side s to every question> <came down on the side of law and order> c : a body of partisans or contestants <victory for neither side > d : TEAM 4A <11 players on each side > also : the players on a baseball team batting in an inning <struck out the side >

7 : a line of descent traced through one's parent <grandfather on his mother's side >

8 : an aspect or part of something contrasted with some other real or implied aspect or part <the better side of his nature> <the sales side of the business> <the seasoning is a bit on the heavy side >

9 British : sideways spin imparted to a billiard or snooker ball

10 : a sheet containing the lines and cues for a single theatrical role

11 : a recording of music

12 : a side order or dish <a side of fries>

– on the side

1 : in addition to the main portion

2 : in addition to a principal occupation

3 : secretly outside of one's marriage or romantic relationship <seeing another woman on the side >

– this side of : short of : ALMOST <an attitude just this side of scandalous>

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.