Meaning of SMOOTH in English


Pronunciation: ' smü th

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English smothe, from Old English sm ō th; akin to Old Saxon sm ō thi smooth

Date: before 12th century

1 a (1) : having a continuous even surface (2) of a curve : being the representation of a function with a continuous first derivative (3) : having or being a short even coat of hair <a smooth collie> ― compare ROUGH , WIREHAIRED b : being without hair c : GLABROUS <a smooth leaf> d : causing no resistance to sliding

2 : free from difficulties or impediments <the smooth course of his life>

3 : even and uninterrupted in flow or flight

4 : excessively and often artfully suave : INGRATIATING <a smooth operator>

5 a : SERENE , EQUABLE <a smooth disposition> b : AMIABLE , COURTEOUS

6 a : not sharp or harsh <a smooth sherry> b : free from lumps

synonyms see LEVEL , EASY , SUAVE

– smooth adverb

– smooth · ly adverb

– smooth · ness noun

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