Meaning of SOUND in English


Pronunciation: ' sau ̇ nd

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gesund; akin to Old High German gisunt healthy

Date: 13th century

1 a : free from injury or disease : exhibiting normal health b : free from flaw, defect, or decay < sound timber>

2 : SOLID , FIRM also : STABLE

3 a : free from error, fallacy, or misapprehension < sound reasoning> b : exhibiting or based on thorough knowledge and experience < sound scholarship> c : legally valid <a sound title> d : logically valid and having true premises e : agreeing with accepted views : ORTHODOX

4 a : THOROUGH b : deep and undisturbed <a sound sleep> c : HARD , SEVERE <a sound whipping>

5 : showing good judgment or sense < sound advice>

synonyms see HEALTHY , VALID

– sound · ly \ ' sau ̇ n(d)-l ē \ adverb

– sound · ness \ ' sau ̇ n(d)-n ə s \ noun

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