Meaning of SOUND in English


Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English soun, from Anglo-French son, sun, from Latin sonus, from sonare to sound; akin to Old English swinn melody, Sanskrit svanati it sounds

Date: 13th century

1 a : a particular auditory impression : TONE b : the sensation perceived by the sense of hearing c : mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium (as air) and is the objective cause of hearing

2 a : a speech sound <a peculiar r-sound > b : value in terms of speech sounds < -cher of teacher and -ture of creature have the same sound >

3 archaic : RUMOR , FAME

4 a : meaningless noise b obsolete : MEANING c : the impression conveyed : IMPORT

5 : hearing distance : EARSHOT <within sound of your voice>

6 : recorded auditory material

7 : a particular musical style characteristic of an individual, a group, or an area <the Nashville sound >

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