Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : a tool for smoothing a surface (as of a mold)
2 : an act or instance of striking
3 a : a work stoppage by a body of workers to enforce compliance with demands made on an employer b : a temporary stoppage of activities in protest against an act or condition
4 : the direction of the line of intersection of a horizontal plane with an uptilted geological stratum
5 a : a pull on a fishing rod to strike a fish b : a pull on a line by a fish in striking
6 : a stroke of good luck especially : a discovery of a valuable mineral deposit
7 a : a pitched ball that is in the strike zone or is swung at and is not hit fair b : a perfectly thrown ball or pass
9 : an act or instance of knocking down all the bowling pins with the first bowl
10 : establishment of roots and plant growth
11 : cutaneous myiasis (as of sheep)
12 a : a military attack especially : an air attack on a single objective b : a group of airplanes taking part in such an attack