Pronunciation: ' ten-d ə r
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French tendre, from Latin tener; perhaps akin to Latin tenuis thin, slight ― more at THIN
Date: 13th century
1 a : having a soft or yielding texture : easily broken, cut, or damaged : DELICATE , FRAGILE < tender feet> b : easily chewed : SUCCULENT
2 a : physically weak : not able to endure hardship b : IMMATURE , YOUNG <children of tender age> c : incapable of resisting cold : not hardy < tender perennials>
3 : marked by, responding to, or expressing the softer emotions : FOND , LOVING <a tender lover>
4 a : showing care : CONSIDERATE , SOLICITOUS < tender regard> b : highly susceptible to impressions or emotions : IMPRESSIONABLE <a tender conscience>
5 a : appropriate or conducive to a delicate or sensitive constitution or character : GENTLE , MILD < tender breeding> < tender irony> b : delicate or soft in quality or tone <never before heard the piano sound so tender ― Elva S. Daniels>
6 obsolete : DEAR , PRECIOUS
7 a : sensitive to touch or palpation <the bruise was still tender > b : sensitive to injury or insult : TOUCHY < tender pride> c : demanding careful and sensitive handling : TICKLISH <a tender situation> d of a boat : easily tipped by an external force
– ten · der · ly adverb
– ten · der · ness noun