Meaning of FINISH in English

[fin.ish] vb [ME finisshen, fr. MF finiss-, stem of finir, fr. L finire, fr. finis] vi (14c) 1 a: to come to an end: terminate b: end 1b

2. a: to come to the end of a course, task, or undertaking b: to end relations--used with with "decided to ~ with him for good"

3: to end a competition in a specified manner or position "~ed third in the race" ~ vt 1 a: to bring to an end: terminate "~ed the speech and sat down" b: to use or dispose of entirely "her sandwich ~ed the loaf"

2. a: to bring to completion or issue "hope to ~ their new home before winter" b: to provide with a finish; esp: to put a final coat or surface on "~ a table with varnish" 3 a: to defeat or ruin utterly and finally "the scandal ~ed his career" b: to bring about the death of syn see close -- n

[2]finish n (1779) 1: something that completes or perfects: as a: the fine or decorative work required for a building or one of its parts b: a finishing material used in painting c: the final treatment or coating of a surface d: the taste in the mouth after swallowing a beverage (as wine)

2. a: final stage: end b: the cause of one's ruin

3: the result or product of a finishing process

4: the quality or state of being perfected

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