[pack.age] n (1611) 1 archaic: the act or process of packing
2. a: a small or moderate-sized pack: parcel b: a commodity or a unit of a product uniformly wrapped or sealed c: a preassembled unit
3: a covering wrapper or container
4: something that suggests a package: as a: package deal b: a radio or television series offered for sale at a lump sum c: contract benefits gained through collective bargaining d: a ready-made computer program or collection of related software e: a travel arrangement contract that offers for a fixed price transportation, accommodations, and often sightseeing and entertainment f: a collection of related items; esp: one to be considered or acted on together "presented his tax ~ to the nation"
[2]package vt pack.aged ; pack.ag.ing (1921) 1 a: to make into a package; esp: to produce as an entertainment package b: to present (as a product) in such a way as to heighten its appeal to the public
2: to enclose in a package or covering -- pack.ag.er n