[pock.et] n [ME poket, fr. ONF pokete, dim. of poke bag, of Gmc origin; akin to OE pocca bag] (15c) 1 a: a small bag carried by a person: purse b: a small bag that is sewed or inserted in a garment so that it is open at the top or side "coat ~"
2: supply of money: means
3: receptacle, container: as a: an opening at the corner or side of a billiard table b: a superficial pouch in some animals
4: a small often isolated area or group "~s of unemployment": a (1): a cavity containing a deposit (as of gold, water, or gas) (2): a small body of ore b: air pocket
5: a place for a batten made by sewing a strip on a sail
6. a: blind alley b: the position of a contestant in a race hemmed in by others c: an area formed by blockers from which a football quarterback attempts to pass 7: the concave area at the base of the finger sections of a baseball glove or mitt in which the ball is normally caught -- pock.et.ful n -- in one's pocket : in one's control or possession -- in pocket 1: provided with funds
2: in the position of having made a profit -- out of pocket 1: low on money or funds
2: having suffered a loss
[2]pocket vt (1589) 1 a: to put or enclose in or as if in one's pocket "~ed the change" b: to appropriate to one's own use: steal c: to refuse assent to (a bill) by a pocket veto
2: to put up with: accept
3: to set aside: suppress "~ed his pride"
4. a: to hem in b: to drive (a ball) into a pocket of a pool table
5: to cover or supply with pockets -- pock.et.able adj [3]pocket adj (1612) 1 a: small enough to be carried in the pocket b: small, miniature "a ~ park"
2. a: of or relating to money b: carried in or paid from one's own pocket