I. ˈdi-sə-plən noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin disciplina teaching, learning, from discipulus pupil
Date: 13th century
1. : punishment
2. obsolete : instruction
3. : a field of study
4. : training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character
a. : control gained by enforcing obedience or order
b. : orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior
c. : self-control
6. : a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity
• dis·ci·plin·al -plə-n ə l adjective
II. transitive verb
( -plined ; -plin·ing )
Date: 14th century
1. : to punish or penalize for the sake of discipline
2. : to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control
a. : to bring (a group) under control
discipline troops
b. : to impose order upon
serious writers discipline and refine their writing styles
Synonyms: see punish , teach
• dis·ci·plin·er noun