I. ˈme-zhər, ˈmā- noun
Etymology: Middle English mesure, from Anglo-French, from Latin mensura, from mensus, past participle of metiri to measure; akin to Old English mǣth measure, Greek metron
Date: 13th century
(1) : an adequate or due portion
(2) : a moderate degree ; also : moderation , temperance
(3) : a fixed or suitable limit : bounds
rich beyond measure
b. : the dimensions, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by measuring
c. : an estimate of what is to be expected (as of a person or situation)
(1) : a measured quantity
(2) : amount , degree
a. : an instrument or utensil for measuring
(1) : a standard or unit of measurement — see weight table
(2) : a system of standard units of measure
metric measure
3. : the act or process of measuring
(1) : melody , tune
(2) : dance ; especially : a slow and stately dance
b. : rhythmic structure or movement : cadence : as
(1) : poetic rhythm measured by temporal quantity or accent ; specifically : meter
(2) : musical time
(1) : a grouping of a specified number of musical beats located between two consecutive vertical lines on a staff
(2) : a metrical unit : foot
5. : an exact divisor of a number
6. : a basis or standard of comparison
wealth is not a measure of happiness
7. : a step planned or taken as a means to an end ; specifically : a proposed legislative act
- for good measure
II. verb
( mea·sured ; mea·sur·ing ˈme-zhə-riŋ, ˈmā-; ˈmezh-riŋ, ˈmāzh-)
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
a. : to choose or control with cautious restraint : regulate
measure his acts
b. : to regulate by a standard : govern
2. : to allot or apportion in measured amounts
measure out three cups
3. : to lay off by making measurements
4. : to ascertain the measurements of
5. : to estimate or appraise by a criterion
measure s his skill against his rival
6. archaic : to travel over : traverse
7. : to serve as a means of measuring
a thermometer measure s temperature
intransitive verb
1. : to take or make a measurement
2. : to have a specified measurement
• mea·sur·abil·i·ty ˌme-zhə-rə-ˈbi-lə-tē, ˌmā-; ˌmezh-rə-, ˌmāzh- noun
• mea·sur·able ˈme-zhə-rə-bəl, ˈmā-; ˈmezh-rə-, ˈmāzh- adjective
• mea·sur·ably -blē adverb
• mea·sur·er -zhər-ər noun