Meaning of EXERCISE in English

Synonyms and related words :

Nachtmusik, abrade, absolute music, absorb, absorb the attention, act, acting, action, active use, activism, activity, adaptation, aerobics, agency, aggravate, agitate, air varie, aleatory, aleatory music, annoy, appliance, application, apply, apprentice, apprenticeship, arrangement, arrest, assignment, athletics, baccalaureate service, badger, bait, basic training, be at, bedevil, behavior, beset, bestow, boning, bother, brainwork, break, break in, breaking, breather, breed, breeding, bring to bear, bring up, bristle, brown off, bug, bullyrag, burden, burn up, busywork, calisthenics, callisthenics, carry on, catch, celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, chafe, chalk talk, chamber music, chamber orchestra, chare, charge, charm, chivy, chore, commencement, commission, composition, concern, condition, conditioning, conduct, conning, constitutional, consumption, contemplation, convocation, cram, cramming, cultivate, cultivation, daily dozen, descant, develop, development, devil, direction, discharge, discipline, discompose, discourse, disquisition, distemper, distress, disturb, do, do with, dog, doing, drill, drilling, driving, duty, effect, electronic music, employ, employment, empty formality, enchant, engage, engage in, engage the attention, engage the mind, engage the thoughts, engross, engross the mind, engross the thoughts, engrossment, enthrall, errand, etude, exasperate, execute, execution, exercises, exercising, exert, exertion, exploit, exposition, extensive study, fascinate, fash, fetch up, fetching-up, fish to fry, fit, fix, follow, form, formal, formality, foster, fostering, fret, function, functioning, gall, get, go in for, good use, grab, graduation, graduation exercises, grind, grinding, grip, gripe, groom, grooming, gymnastic exercises, gymnastics, handle, handling, harangue, harass, hard usage, hard use, harmonization, harry, headwork, heckle, hector, hold, hold spellbound, hold the interest, homework, homily, hound, house-train, housebreak, housebreaking, hypnotize, ill use, immerse, improve, improvement, in-service training, inaugural, inauguration, incidental music, initiation, inspection, instruction, instrumental music, invention, involve, involve the interest, irk, irritate, isometrics, job, job of work, labor, lecture, lecture-demonstration, lesson, lick into shape, limber up, liturgy, lucubration, make use of, make-work, manage, management, manipulate, manipulation, manual training, matters in hand, mental labor, mesmerize, miff, military training, mission, misuse, molest, monopolize, moral, moral lesson, morality, moralization, movement, movements, mummery, nag, needle, nettle, nocturne, nudzh, nurse, nurture, nurturing, object lesson, observance, obsess, occupation, occupy, occupy the attention, odd job, office, on-the-job training, operancy, operate, operation, operations, opus, orchestration, peeve, performance, performing, persecute, perturb, perusal, pester, physical education, physical jerks, pick on, piece, piece of work, pique, plague, play, pluck the beard, ply, pother, practice, praxis, preachment, preoccupy, preparation, prepare, production, program music, project, prosecute, provoke, pursue, put forth, put in tune, put into practice, put out, put to school, put to use, raise, raising, reading, ready, readying, rear, rearing, recital, recitation, rehearsal, rehearse, religious ceremony, responsibility, restudy, restudying, review, ricercar, ride, rile, rite, rite de passage, rite of passage, ritual, roil, rough usage, ruffle, running, score, send to school, sermon, service, set, set task, setting-up exercises, skull session, sloyd, solemnity, solemnization, sonata, sonatina, specialize in, spellbind, steering, stint, stretch, string orchestra, string quartet, study, studying, subject, swing, swotting, tackle, take in hand, take on, take to, take up, talk, task, teaching, tease, theme and variations, things to do, throw, torment, train, training, trio, trouble, try, try the patience, tweak the nose, undertake, upbringing, usage, use, using up, utilization, utilize, variation, vex, vocational education, vocational training, wage, warm up, warm-up, wide reading, wield, work, work at, work out, working, working-out, workings, workout, worry, wrong use, yoga

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