Meaning of HOLD OUT in English

Synonyms and related words :

abide, balk, be proof against, be unflappable, be unmoved, be unwilling, bear up, bear up against, beg off, bide, boycott, carry on, come up fighting, continue, continue to be, decline, decline to accept, defeat time, defy, defy time, die hard, dig in, disagree, disallow, disclaim, dissent, dwell, endure, exist, extend, get home free, give, go on, go on strike, go out, hang in, hang in there, hang on, hang tough, hold, hold fast, hold forth, hold on, hold out against, hold up, keep, keep on, keep up, last, last long, last out, live, live on, live through, live through it, live with it, lock out, maintain, negate, negative, never say die, not back down, not budge, not buy, not consent, not flag, not give up, not hear of, not submit, not think of, not weaken, offer, perdure, perennate, persevere, persist, picket, pose, prefer, present, prevail, proffer, put up, rebuff, refuse, refuse consent, reject, remain, remain firm, repel, repudiate, repulse, resist, resist entreaty, resist persuasion, revolt, ride it out, run, run on, say nay, say no, see it out, shut it down, sit down, slow down, stand, stand aloof, stand fast, stand firm, stand no nonsense, stand out, stand pat, stand the gaff, stand up, stay, stay it out, stay on, stay put, stay the distance, stay with it, stick, stick fast, stick it, stick it out, stick out, stick to it, stick with it, stickle, strike, submit, subsist, survive, sustain, sweat it out, take it, take no denial, take what comes, tarry, tender, tide over, tough it out, turn down, vote nay, vote negatively, walk out, wear, wear well, weather, weather the storm, withstand,

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