Synonyms and related words :
KO, abuse, adverse criticism, animadversion, arouse, aspersion, associate with, astonish, astound, awaken, bad notices, bad press, bang, bang into, bash, baste, bat, batter, beat, beat up, beating, belt, bewilder, biff, blame, blow, bob, bonk, bop, bowl over, buffet, bump, bump into, burst, bust, cannon, captiousness, carom, carom into, carp at, carping, cavil, caviling, censoriousness, censure, chop, clap, clash, clip, clobber, clock out, close down, clout, clump, coldcock, collide, come into collision, complete, concuss, condemn, condemnation, confront each other, conk, consort with, copy, crack, crack up, crash, crash into, criticism, criticize, crump, crunch, cuff, cut, cut down, dash, dash into, daze, deal, deal a blow, debate, deck, demolish, denounce, denunciate, deprecate, destroy, dig, dint, discuss, disparage, drub, drubbing, drumming, encounter, exception, fall foul of, faultfinding, fell, fetch, fetch a blow, finish, flail, flak, flap, flatten, floor, flop, foul, fusillade, gad about, get with child, go home, hairsplitting, hammer, hammering, hit, hit a clip, hit against, home thrust, hostile criticism, hurt, hurtle, hypercriticalness, hypercriticism, imitate, impinge, impregnate, improvise, imputation, insult, jab, kayo, kill, knock about, knock against, knock around, knock cold, knock down, knock off, knock out, knock over, knock together, knock unconscious, knock up, lambaste, larrup, lay in ruins, left, let have it, level, lick, lift, lock up, maltreat, manhandle, maul, meet, mistreat, nagging, nick, niggle, niggling, nit, nit-picking, obloquy, overcome, overcriticalness, overwhelm, pan, paste, patter, pelt, percuss, pestering, pettifogging, pilfer, pinch, plunk, poke, polish off, pommel, pound, pounding, priggishness, prostrate, pull down, pulverize, pummel, punch, put down, put together, quibble, quibbling, quit, ramble, rap, raze, reflection, report, reprehend, reproachfulness, reprobate, right, roam, rob, rove, run down, run into, sideswipe, skin, slam, slam into, slap, slat, sledgehammer, slog, slug, slur, smack, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, smite, snap, snipe at, soak, sock, spank, splat, stagger, steal, stricture, strike, strike against, strike at, stroke, stun, swap, swat, swing, swipe, taking exception, talk over, tap, tattoo, terminate, thieve, thrash, thresh, throw down, thump, thwack, travel, trichoschistism, trounce, tunk, wake up, wallop, wander, whack, wham, whap, whip, whomp, whop, wipe, wreck, yerk