v. 1 strike, hit, rap, thwack, whack, thump, bang, tap Knock on the door He knocked the man on the head with his walking-stick. 2 Colloq criticize, deprecate, carp or cavil at, disparage, put down, run down Don't knock something till you've tried it 3 knock about or around. a wander, roam, ramble, rove, travel, gad about She's going to knock about the world for a bit before settling down b associate with, consort with He was only knocking about with some of the boys c discuss, debate, talk over, Colloq kick about or around I have a business proposition that I want to knock around with you d beat (up), maltreat, mistreat, maul, manhandle, batter, abuse, hit, strike He's been known to knock his wife about 4 knock down. a raze, demolish, destroy, level, wreck, lay in ruins, throw or pull down They knocked down those beautiful old houses and erected an ugly office block in their place b fell, floor, cut down As soon as he got up, McCloskey knocked him down again 5 knock off. Colloq a stop work(ing), quit, go home, clock off or out, terminate, lock up, close down I think I'll knock off for a few hours' rest b steal, pilfer, thieve, rob, Colloq lift, Brit pinch, Slang Brit nick, US knock over Two men in balaclavas knocked off the bank in the High Street c See kill, 1. d make quick or short work of, complete, finish, bring to an end, Colloq polish off He knocked off that book in a week e US copy, imitate They knock off expensive items, then sell them for much less than the originals 6 knock out. a knock or render unconscious, floor, prostrate, trounce, whip, Slang flatten, K.O. or kayo The smart money says that the challenger will knock out the champion in the third round b overwhelm, overcome, daze, stagger, astound, astonish, bewilder, stun, Colloq bowl over, blow (someone's) mind, Slang Brit knock for six She'll really knock them out in that dress! 7 knock up a knock or put together, improvise I think I can knock up something quickly that will pass muster b arouse, (a)waken, wake up They knocked me up at dawn to go to work c Slang impregnate, get with child, make pregnant Her boyfriend knocked her up and then refused to marry her
n. 8 blow, rap, tap, thump, pounding, hammering I was woken by a knock on the wall from my neighbour 9 blow, punch, jab, smack, thwack, whack, right, left, cuff, Colloq clout, bop, biff, conk He gave me a knock on the nose, and it started to bleed 10 slap (in the face), censure, criticism, condemnation, slur, insult My latest novel took quite a few knocks from the reviewers