Synonyms and related words :
admission, admission fee, allure, anchorage, assessment, bait, bell, bong, brokerage, carfare, cellarage, cess, change ringing, charge, charges, chime, chiming, chink, clang, clanging, clangor, clank, clanking, clink, conscience money, contribution, cost, cover charge, damages, decoy, demand, ding, ding-a-ling, dingdong, dinging, dingle, direct tax, dockage, dong, donging, dues, duty, entice, entrance fee, entrap, exaction, exactment, excise, fare, fee, gong, graduated taxation, hire, imposition, impost, indirect tax, inveigle, jangle, jingle, jingle-jangle, jinglejangle, jingling, joint return, knell, knelling, lead on, levy, license fee, loss, peal, peal ringing, pealing, penalty, pilotage, portage, price, progressive tax, ring, ring changes, ringing, salvage, scot, scot and lot, seduce, separate returns, shot, single tax, sound, sound a knell, sounding, storage, strike, striking, supertax, surtax, tariff, tax, tax base, tax dodging, tax evasion, tax exemption, tax return, tax structure, tax withholding, tax-exempt status, taxable income, taxation, tempt, ting, ting-a-ling, tingle, tingling, tink, tinkle, tinkling, tinnitus, tintinnabulate, tithe, tolling, towage, tribute, wharfage, withholding tax