v. 1 employ, use, apply, practise, bring to bear, put to use or effect; discharge, exert, wield, execute; utilize, effect Try to exercise better judgement next time The chairman exercises too much authority. 2 work out, limber up, warm up, train, drill She exercises for an hour every day 3 harass, annoy, irritate, vex, harry, distress, worry, concern, burden, try, trouble, perturb, disturb, agitate, make nervous, Colloq drive crazy, drive up the wall We have been much exercised over the issue of acid rain
n. 4 activity, workout, working-out, warm-up, warming up, callisthenics, aerobics, isometrics, gymnastics; training, drill, drilling Exercise is good for the heart 5 action, application, practice, performance, discharge, use, utilization, employment, execution, operation We expect the exercise of your best endeavours