n. 1 criterion, measure, benchmark, model, pattern, archetype, touchstone, yardstick, gauge, guide, guideline, paradigm, paragon, exemplar, example, sample, type, ideal, beau idéal, rule, canon, law, requirement, precept, principle The metric system has become the standard in many countries People resent having imposed on them the standards of another culture. 2 mean, average, norm, par, level, rating With many luxuries now necessities, the standard of living has improved enormously The course was for students of intermediate standard. 3 flag, banner, ensign, emblem, pennant, burgee, insigne (singular of insignia), guidon, gonfalon or gonfanon, labarum The black knight bore a curiously coloured standard into battle 4 pole, post, stanchion, lamppost, column, pillar, support, pedestal, pier, footing, (upright) bar or rod or timber The car went out of control and knocked down two lighting standards
adj. 5 accepted, approved, definitive, defined, authoritative, official, required, regulative, regulatory, textbook Must we follow standard procedure? The tests were conducted according to the standard methods 6 recognized, prevailing, prevalent, usual, customary, habitual, orthodox, set, established, regular, familiar, ordinary, traditional, classic, stock, typical, normal, staple, conventional, universal People in the south usually regard themselves as speakers of standard English