v. 1 surrender, give up (the fight or struggle), give in, knuckle under, submit, cede, cry quits, throw in the towel or the sponge, capitulate, succumb, raise the white flag The captain of the enemy company asked if we would yield 2 give up, surrender, give over, hand in or over, abandon, relinquish, renounce, cede We agreed to yield our arms to the enemy 3 agree, consent, comply, concede, relent, assent, give way, accede, concur He did his best to persuade me, and I finally yielded 4 earn, return, pay, bring in, supply, generate, produce, net She has investments that yield more than 15% a year
n. 5 return, production, output, revenue, takings, gate, earnings, income, proceeds, profit, gain The yield from that operation is not even enough to pay the rent