Meaning of FINAL in English

adj. & n.


1. situated at the end, coming last.

2 conclusive, decisive, unalterable, putting an end to doubt.

3 concerned with the purpose or end aimed at.


1. the last or deciding heat or game in sports or in a competition (Cup Final).

2 the edition of a newspaper published latest in the day.

3 (usu. in pl.) the series of examinations at the end of a degree course.

4 Mus. the principal note in any mode.

Phrases and idioms:

final cause Philos. the end towards which a thing naturally develops or at which an action aims. final clause Gram. a clause expressing purpose, introduced by in order that, lest, etc. final drive the last part of the transmission system in a motor vehicle. final solution the Nazi policy (1941-5) of exterminating European Jews.


finally adv.

Etymology: ME f. OF or f. L finalis f. finis end

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.