Meaning of PICTURE in English

I. ˈpikchə(r), -ksh- noun

( -s )

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin pictura, from pictus (past participle of pingere to paint) + -ura -ure — more at paint

1. obsolete

a. : the act, process, or art of painting : representation by painting

b. : pictorial representations


a. : a representation (as of a person, landscape, building) on canvas, paper, or other surface produced by painting, drawing, engraving, or photography

old pictures of the family

pictures of the wedding

especially : such representation as a work of art

walls hung with pictures

picture dealer

b. obsolete : statue , model

3. : a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental image or give an accurate idea of the thing described

he hath drawn my picture in his letter — Shakespeare

language, our most faithful and indispensable picture of human experience — Susanne K. Langer

horn and trumpet become parts of a musical picture


a. : something that by its likeness vividly suggests some other thing : copy

the boy is the picture of his father

b. : a concrete embodiment of an abstraction : illustration , symbol

she was the very picture of grief

the picture of health


a. : a transitory visible image or reproduction due to the working of physical laws or made by utilizing such laws (as with a lens)

adjusting the television set for a brighter picture

b. : motion picture

a Western picture

c. pictures plural , chiefly Britain : movies

have a few drinks with their friends, and a grill, and then perhaps the pictures — Nevil Shute

6. : a mental image

shocks of corn were dotted about in her mind pictures — Elizabeth M. Roberts

7. : a picturesque person or thing

the ship was really a picture with all her sails unfurled

8. : tableau 1

created a world with his words, and his fine image is never lost because of unnecessary stage pictures — Virginia B. Slaughter


a. : a scene or a set of facts or circumstances immediately present to the attention : a field of observation

in all matters artistic, personal taste enters into the picture — John Gutman

b. : verbal or graphic presentation of a problem or situation

drew an alarming picture of the economic future

c. : pattern , configuration

need more details to understand the full picture

d. : situation

in the spring the employment picture will change

II. transitive verb

( pictured ; pictured ; picturing -chəriŋ, -sh(ə)r- ; pictures )

Etymology: Middle English picturen, from picture (I)


a. : to paint or draw a representation, image, or visual conception of : form a likeness of on a surface : depict

pictured holding a banner aloft

b. : to show a picture of

the room they finished for him is pictured on this page — Kathryn Larson

c. : to present (as a narrative) in pictures or provide with pictures : illustrate

printing, airing, and picturing the news — F.L.Mott

2. : to represent (something abstract or imperceptible) in visible or symbolic form : portray

illustrated his letters as he did, picturing what he couldn't put so well into words — J.K.Hutchens

3. : to describe graphically : describe vividly in words

likes to picture the triumph of well-born Nordics over the Canadian wilderness — Malcolm Cowley

4. : to form a mental image or definite impression of : imagine

the children … were picturing a beautiful, sad face, and the figure of a noble lady moving among her soldiers — Grace Kinnicut

5. : to photograph for showing as a motion picture

Synonyms: see represent

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