I. ˈskwa(a)](ə)r, -we], ]ə\ noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English squyre, square, from Middle French esquerre, esquarre, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin exquadra, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin exquadrare to square, from Latin ex- ex- (I) + quadrare to square — more at quadrate
1. : an instrument with at least one right angle and two or more straight edges used to lay out or test right angles — see combination square , framing square , try square , t square
a. obsolete : the corner or angle of a figure
b. obsolete : the side of a rectangle
c. : a rectangle with all four sides equal — see area table
a. : any of the quadrilateral spaces marked out on a board for playing games
b. : a square piece, surface, or area
a quilt of squares sewn together
square of pavement
c. obsolete : the bosom of a woman's dress
d. : a scarf of a square shape
4. : the product of a number or quantity multiplied by itself
81 is the square of 9
: the second power of a number
5. obsolete : guiding principle : pattern , rule , standard
a. obsolete : justness of workmanship or of conduct
b. obsolete : exact proportion : regularity
c. obsolete : quartile aspect
7. squares plural , obsolete : matters , affairs, things — used in the phrase how go the squares
a. Britain : an open area enclosed by residential buildings and commonly laid out with trees, grass, walks, gardens
b. : an open place or area formed at the meeting of two or more streets
village square
market square
c. : block 5e(1), 5e(2)
a. : a body of troops formed in solid or hollow rectangle with the ranks that form the sides facing outwards
the brave squares of war — Shakespeare
b. : square dance 1
c. : set 36b
d. : a figure in square dancing performed by moving successively forward, sideward, backward, sideward
a. : the upper part of the shank of an anchor to which the stock is attached
b. : the square-ended projection in a clock or watch turned by the key in winding
winding square
a. : a solid object or piece approximating a cube or having a square as its largest face
square of cheese
butter squares
b. : a molding of square section
c. : a rolled or machined piece (as of steel) with a square section
rounds, bars, and squares are available
12. : an unopened cotton flower with its enclosing bracts
13. : the portion of the board of a book cover that projects beyond the edge of the leaves at the top, fore edge, or bottom
an adequate square at the fore edge
14. : a builder's unit of floor or roof area equal to 100 square feet
so many shingles per square
also : the number of roofing slates or shingles needed per square
15. : a strong iron frame in a spinning mule to which the carriages are secured
16. : a person who is an outsider or adversary because of the conventionality, conservatism, or respectability of his taste, behavior, or way of life : one who is not in the know : fogy ; also : dupe , sucker — compare bourgeois , philistine
- at square
- by the square
- on the square
- out of square
II. adjective
( -er/-est )
Etymology: Middle English, modification (influenced by Middle French esquarre square) of Middle French escarré, past participle of escarrer to square, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin exquadrare
a. : having four equal sides and four right angles
b. : forming a right angle
square corner
a. : having a width nearly equal to the height and rectangular rather than curving outline
square cabinet
square house
b. : of a shape suggesting strength and solidity
square jaw
square shoulders
c. of a hand : having the palm square at the wrist and at the base of square fingers and usually held by palmists to indicate qualities of order, practicality, and common sense
d. : rectangular and equilateral in section
square tower
square rod
pushing square pegs into round holes
a. of a unit of length : converted from a linear unit into a square unit of area having the same length of side : squared
square foot
b. : being of a specified length in each of two equal dimensions — used after the term of measurement
a room ten feet square
a 50 foot square courtyard
a. : exactly adjusted or correspondent : precisely constructed or aligned
b. : just , fair , honest , straightforward
square in all his dealings
wanted to do the square thing
a good, square , explicit fallacy that can be squarely met and … refuted — C.S.Peirce
c. : leaving no balance : settled
make an account square
d. : even , tied
the golfers were all square on the 17th hole
e. : substantial , satisfying
square meal
f. of a horse's gait : smooth and regular in movement
g. : having unsophisticated or conservative tastes especially in entertainment : belonging to or characteristic of the respectable law-abiding tradition-bound classes of society
square audience
some square music
also : legitimate , legal
the car has square plates on it
square name
a. : set at right angles with the mast and keel — used of the yards of a square-rigged ship
b. : at right angles to a line drawn from wicket to wicket and usually in line with the batting crease — used of cricket fielding positions, fieldsmen, and hits
a square cut
— compare fine
a. : markedly regular in rhythmic and harmonic structure
square melody
b. of a military group : based primarily on four units
square army division
— compare triangular
7. : woven with an equal number of warp and weft threads per inch
- get square with
III. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English squaren, modification (influenced by Middle French esquarre square) of Middle French escarrer to square, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin exquadrare — more at square (n.)
transitive verb
a. : to form with right angles and straight edges or flat surfaces : make square or rectangular
square a building stone
square a timber
square the end of a board
b. : to measure in order to find or test the deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surface : apply a try square to
2. : to bring approximately to a right angle
thrust out his chin and squared his shoulders
stood with feet apart and elbows squared
square the yards of a ship
a. : to multiply (a number or quantity) by itself : raise to the second power
b. : to find a square equal in area to
square a circle
c. : to be equal to a square of (a specified size)
squared ten feet and ten inches — J.H.Bond
4. : to compare with or reduce to a selected standard : adjust , regulate , shape
square our actions by the opinions of others — John Milton
a. : to make even so as to leave no remainder or difference : balance , settle
square an account
b. : to even the score of (a contest)
square a ball game
6. : to hold a quartile position respecting
April, when Jupiter squares his Pluto-Mars conjunction in the earthy sign of Taurus — Time
7. : to mark the surface of (as a paper, a drawing) into squares — often used with off
a. : to set right : straighten out : bring into harmonious relation — used with with
the corporation must, if it is to survive, square itself with the basic beliefs of the American people — E.C.Lindeman
untamed feudal noble could square a good deal of anticlericalism with a conscience that had a … horror of … heresy — D.W.Brogan
(1) : to induce to favorable or satisfactory action or attitude by means of a bribe
square a watchman
(2) : to settle by or as if by a bribe : fix
a friend in city hall can square the rap
intransitive verb
1. : conform , fit — used with with
making his story square with a larger independent body of ideas — Charles Frankel
2. obsolete : to take an opposite position : quarrel — used with with
3. : to settle matters ; especially : to pay the bill — usually used with for or up
squared for his meal and left the diner
square up and go home
4. : to take a fighting stance — often used with up or off
surprised when he suddenly squared up to me
a man squared off for his own pride in those days — Gene Tunney
Synonyms: see agree
- square a valve
- square by the lifts and braces
IV. adverb
Etymology: square (II)
1. : straightforwardly , honestly
came square out with the truth
always treated him square
a. : so as to face or be face to face
the house stood square to the road
b. : at right angles
the path turned square to the left
3. : with nothing intervening or deflecting : head on : directly
ran square into me
coat buttoned square to the chin
a hole lay square in the middle of the road
4. : firmly , solidly
looked him square in the eye
planted his great bulk square before his enemy
5. : in a square shape : so as to form a square
cut a diamond square
fold a sheet of paper square