— exactable , adj. — exacter, exactor , n. — exactness , n.
/ig zakt"/ , adj.
1. strictly accurate or correct: an exact likeness; an exact description.
2. precise, as opposed to approximate: the exact sum; the exact date.
3. admitting of no deviation, as laws or discipline; strict or rigorous.
4. capable of the greatest precision: exact instruments.
5. characterized by or using strict accuracy: an exact thinker.
6. Math. (of a differential equation) noting that the collection of all terms, equated to zero, is an exact differential.
7. to call for, demand, or require: to exact respect from one's children.
8. to force or compel the payment, yielding, or performance of: to exact money; to exact tribute from a conquered people.
[ 1400-50; late ME exacten (v.) exactus (ptp. of exigere drive out, thrust out), equiv. to ex- EX- 1 + ag ( ere ) to drive + -tus ptp. suffix ]
Syn. 3. rigid, severe, unbending. 5. methodical, careful, punctilious, demanding, scrupulous. 8. wring. See extract .
Ant. 1, 2. imprecise.