1) to commit, perform an ~
2) a barbaric, barbarous; courageous; criminal; foolish, rash; heroic, noble; humane; illegal; impulsive; justified; kind; overt; statesmanlike; thoughtful ~ (she performed an heroic ~)
3) an ~ of (an ~ of faith; he committed an ~ of folly)
4) in the ~ (caught in the ~)
5) a circus; nightclub; variety ( BE ), vaudeville ( AE ) ~
6) ( misc. ) to put on an ~ ('to pretend')
7) to get into the ~ ('to participate')
1) to ~ impulsively; irresponsibly; responsibly
2) ( d ; intr. ) ('to serve') to ~ as (she ~ed as our interpreter)
3) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ for ('to replace') and esp. BE ('to represent as one's lawyer')
4) ( d ; intr. ) ('to behave') to ~ like (the soldier ~ed like a real hero)
5) ( D ; intr. ) ('to take ~ion') to ~ on, upon (to ~ on smb.'s advice; to ~ on a request)
6) ( d ; intr. ) ('to take ~ion') to ~ out of (they ~ed out of fear)
7) ( d ; intr. ) ('to behave') to ~ towards (how did they ~ towards you?)
8) ( P ; intr. ) ('to behave') the soldier ~ed bravely