Meaning of CLEAR in English



1) crystal, perfectly; painfully ~

2) (cannot stand alone) ~ about (are you ~ about the situation?)

3) ~ from (the answer is ~ from these facts)

4) ~ of (the roads were ~ of snow; to keep ~ of trouble)

5) ~ to (the situation is ~ to everyone)

6) ~ that + clause (it was ~ that they would not come; the teacher made it ~ that discipline would be maintained)



uncoded language

in the ~ (to send a message in the ~)



1) ( D ; tr. ) ('to authorize'); ('to prepare') to ~ for (to ~ an article for export; our plane was ~ed for takeoff; to ~ a deck for action)

2) ( D ; tr. ) ('to remove') to ~ from (to ~ the snow from the driveway)

3) ( D ; tr. ) ('to free') to ~ of (to ~ a harbor of mines; to ~ smb. of guilt; to ~ land of trees)

4) ( colloq. ) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ out of ('to leave') (to ~ out of town)

5) ( d ; tr. ) ('to remove') to ~ out of (to ~ things out of a cupboard)

6) ( D ; tr. ) ('to complete formalities for') to ~ with (to ~ a shipment with the authorities)

7) ( H ) ('to authorize') we were ~ed to land

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.